WWE is my domain, my yard.

I like to play paintball in my back yard.

Give the enemy an inch, he'll take a yard.

I buried a lot of my ironing in the back yard.

I started by hacking around the back yard in Richmond.

The Court Yard Hounds aren't a threat to the Dixie Chicks.

I go out and walk around the yard. Sometimes I'll cut grass.

I'm from Louisiana, and I'm used to having space and a yard.

I feel like I'm kind of lazy, but I keep the yard looking good.

We all want to thank Emmitt for allowing us to enjoy every yard.

My uncle and my grandfather both worked in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

I've always wanted a big old house with a big yard and lots of kids.

I got colored mechanics in the United States Navy Yard for the first time.

Finishing a book is just like you took a child out in the back yard and shot it.

There will be plays where you've got to just lower your shoulder and get 1 yard.

Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard.

When I was a kid, we always had big gardens, acres of stuff we grew out in the yard.

If you don't try to win you might as well hold the Olympics in somebody's back yard.

Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan's egg.

Baltimore's just like, it's like being in prison but being on the yard the whole day.

I've got a statue of St. Francis in my front yard, and I'm not even a practicing Catholic.

I cut grass, I did yard work, I did roofing, I cleaned basements to take care of my family.

I don't visit my parents often because Delta Airlines won't wait in the yard while I run in.

I wander around the house and write in bed, at the kitchen table, by the window, in the yard.

My parents are apolitical - no bumper stickers, no yard signs. They don't talk about politics.

I just like staying at home and eating and watching movies and running around in the back yard.

If little green men land in your back yard, hide any little green women you've got in the house.

I grew up playing with boys in the yard and my brother in the backyard and boys in the schoolyard.

I went over to the Charlestown Navy Yard yesterday and saw some big men of war, one over 100 guns.

I think people need to watch 'Chi-Raq' because you need to know what's happening in your back yard.

If people go out and start protests for everything, then entire Tamil Nadu will become a grave yard!

Through the small tall bathroom window the December yard is gray and scratchy, the tree calligraphic.

You want to fight for everything you can get, every yard, every drive, every opportunity that you have.

Marry an outdoors woman. Then if you throw her out into the yard on a cold night, she can still survive.

You see airbrushed images of me, but I know the person who's walking barefoot, dodging dog poo in the yard.

My father was an odd stick. He was a member of MENSA and he was a uniformed yard cop for the Harvard police.

I've never had a yard sale, ever, in my life. I don't know if I ever thought about stuff I would get rid of.

For the most part, I hang out in my back yard with my dog, but there's no paparazzi trying to check that out.

Sometimes I think I am still that 5-year-old girl playing with her dogs in the yard. That's how I see myself.

I need enough room to eventually throw a baseball with a child; that's all the yard I need. That's all I want.

Dream a big dream, a bold dream. Don't play conservatively between the 40 yard lines. Don't just play it safe.

I wanted a house near my family in a quiet neighborhood with a front yard and a backyard that my dog will like.

You know the best thing about having a house? You get to plant whatever you want in the yard and watch it grow.

I do get freaked out sometimes. I have kids hop my fence, get into my back yard, and just start screaming at me.

Like most writers, I read constantly. I used to hide in remote parts of the yard and house so I could read in peace.

My own back yard, and my mom and dad's back yard, is where I learned about tomatoes and weeds and daily maintenance.

I was more of, like, into butterflies, insects, playing out in the yard, planting flowers. I was really into plants.

I started as a working pupil in a yard, mucking out and doing all the duties... and I just never gave up on my dream.

I grew up with both cats and dogs. I love dogs. But I'd want a big dog, and I'd like to have a yard before I get one.

If somebody dumps something noxious in my back yard, the dumper is the last one I would call on to repair the damage.

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