I loved dancing as a young girl.

I always had a passion to write as a young girl.

I've had Irish skin from the time I was a young girl.

When I was a young girl, I'd love giving book reports.

As a young girl, I dreamed of having a voice in fashion.

When I was a young girl playing basketball, WNBA was a dream.

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels.

When I was a young girl, I wasn't always trying to have curly hair.

As a young girl I think I wanted to be a horse woman. I loved horses.

When I was blonde I was perceived as an innocent and sweet young girl.

Who would ever think that so much went on in the soul of a young girl?

I grew up very fast as a young girl, but I grew slowly into my womanhood.

As a young girl, I did not think that 'Time Lord' would ever be on my CV.

I've always really loved nature, I did a lot of horseriding as a young girl.

As a young girl, my real dream was to be the woman in the shows at SeaWorld.

I've always wanted to play the villain. But the young girl is never the villain.

I just want to be that young girl from L.A. who snowboards and gets her nails done.

I was a young girl the first time I learned about the concept of paying it forward.

Maybe some young girl seeing me on the Emmy stage may have meant something for them.

As a teenager, there was a young girl in my neighborhood that I ended up falling for.

For me, it's important to be the representation that I wanted when I was a young girl.

I'm just a young girl trying to fulfill the purpose that's been placed in my heart to do.

We're into Nicole Kidmans, rather than the young girl who just got married in a tracksuit.

I was really a very ambitious young girl when I started studying drama and performing art.

As a young girl, I remember singing CeCe Penniston's 'Don't Walk Away.' It was like my jam.

I'm a young girl with an old soul. I wanted to fuse the two together, the past and the present.

I'm doing what I wanted to do since I was a young girl. I pinch myself every day to make sure it's true.

I started out as a very young girl in Hollywood doing westerns portraying a mother with a couple of kids.

Linda's in all the songs. 'Sunshine Superman,' 'Hampstead Incident,' 'Young Girl Blues'... Linda's the muse.

I fell in love with the night sky when I first looked through a telescope as a young girl growing up in Delhi.

When I thought of Christine at first, I was really angry with everything that was given to me as a young girl.

It could be a little bit sad as a young girl to sit there and wait in front of the telephone that would never ring.

As a young girl growing up in poverty, I know firsthand how much a paycheck from a summer job can make a difference.

I am a young girl, and I am open to dating, but at the risk of sounding cliched, I really don't have the time for it.

I was in so much emotional pain as a young girl that whatever distracted me from how I felt about myself was fine by me.

Fashion is a good job for a young girl. I like clothes - I like to play with clothes. I like DIY; I like to make outfit.

My playground was the theatre. I'd sit and watch my mother pretend for a living. As a young girl, that's pretty seductive.

I want to tell any young girl out there who's a geek, I was a really serious geek in high school. It works out. Study harder.

Every young girl wants to be a princess. Then, when you find a real-life one, it's very easy to imagine yourself in that role.

I always wanted to be a femme fatale. Even when I was a young girl, I never really wanted to be a girl. I wanted to be a woman.

As a young girl, there are pressures that come with any career, but I decided when I got into this I didn't want to be perfect.

People reacted to how I looked, and that was certainly a power to have as a young girl, but not one that you really understand.

As you know, all women at all ages do not feel their ages anymore. The young girl feels older, and the older woman feels younger.

I have always loved food. I began cooking for my family as a young girl, and to this day, it's one of my greatest pleasures in life.

As a very young girl, I understood that the interior activities of the home are as significant as the exterior activities of society.

The idea of a young girl who knows exactly what she wants with her life is the most threatening and unappealing thing you can imagine.

A young man is stirred and stimulated by the consciousness of how much depends upon his own exertions: a young girl is oppressed by it.

The age I'm at now, you go from being a young girl to suddenly you blossom into a woman. You ripen, you know? And then you start to rot.

When I was a young girl I had to deal with people calling me weird and strange because I spent so much time around boys playing football.

My fans have grown up with me and seen my life change over the years, from a young girl with 'Goodies' to a full-grown woman and now mom.

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