The press is our chief ideological weapon.

I don't think Donald Trump is ideological.

We did not seek ideological confrontation.

Advertisers are very wary of ideological media.

Our ideological dilemmas won't ever be solved by machines.

I am purely a technocrat and I reject all ideological labels.

The USA experiences the crisis of ideological and moral values.

Demonisation is the ideological backbone of an unequal society.

Congress is my ideological home; I come from a Nehruvian family.

Ideological purity does not now, nor has it ever, produced results.

It's not ideological to ask someone to stick to the question presented.

Debt is a social and ideological construct, not a simple economic fact.

Heading the ideological Right is more important than being in the Likud.

Romney is an accomodationist technocrat who is an ideological pretzel of a man.

Catch-22's admirers cross boundaries - ideological, generational, geographical.

I find the world just too complex to embrace a single ideological point of view.

Nazism promoted Germany from a low to a fantastic physical and ideological status.

Well, George W.Bush wanted to privatize Social Security. It's an ideological thing.

The ugliness of the ideological lies in its legitimating the pursuit of the trivial.

There's an ideological belief on the left that you should not use nonpartisan tools.

Soccer riots kill at most tens. Intellectuals' ideological riots sometimes kill millions.

Dogmatic ideological parties tend to splinter the political and social fabric of a nation.

In an ideological age, diplomacy may seem weak and prosaic. But sometimes it is all we have.

Americans overthrew governments only when economic interests coincided with ideological ones.

There cannot be peaceful coexistence in the ideological realm. Peaceful coexistence corrupts.

The post-Reagan era has been defined by overspending as the result of ideological overpromises.

I'm not a particularly ideological person. There's things, some values I feel passionately about.

The thing that I have a horror of is ideological theatre - Shakespeare never told us how to think.

The worst thing that can happen to us in an ideological struggle is to become what we are fighting.

In order to keep anything cultural, logical, or ideological, you have to reinvent the reality of it.

Holding individuals accountable for corporate wrongdoing isn't ideological; it's good law enforcement.

The Cold War was obviously driven by a very intense ideological struggle that was very clearly defined.

I think that fashion is industrial, whereas style is ideological. So they're not necessarily connected.

Equality and self-determination should never be divided in the name of religious or ideological fervor.

When we think about global warming at all, the arguments tend to be ideological, theological and economic.

Demanding abrupt and expensive changes in public policy raises fair questions about ideological intentions.

Because of my medical and ideological training, I am accustomed to saying that life is adaptation and symbiosis.

It's very hard to find artists in the history of western art who don't make portraiture ideological in some way.

I don't think I could write a book that had an ideological plan going in - I think that would be a terrible book.

Voters do not choose candidates because of their ideological fit. They choose them because of their cultural fit.

Radicals don't care about the institutions. They are looking for an ideological crusade. Traditions don't matter.

Labour's priorities are clear: jobs and the economy must come first; not party interests or ideological fantasies.

I don't back down. I don't cave when the pressure gets too great from these partisan political ideological forces.

Congress must hold those responsible for unfairly targeting organizations based on their ideological views accountable.

If Trump actually wants to help those who have been left behind, he must go beyond the ideological battles of the past.

If you mention any ideological thing about shooting 'Last Tango in Paris,' I was thinking I was doing a political film.

I am proud of religious Zionism. I am proud of the members of religious Zionism because it is a true ideological public.

The Arab Spring has heightened the ideological tension between Ankara and Tehran, and Turkey's model seems to be winning.

The most successful ideological effects are those which have no need for words, and ask no more than complicitous silence.

In their ideological zeal, the feminists of the illiberal left don't seem to realize how they've given feminism a bad name.

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