I like being different people.

I love to sing with different people.

Different people work different ways.

Different people need different things.

I love collaborating with different people.

Me and Janet really are two different people.

I had to prove myself to a lot of different people.

Success is measured differently by different people.

I work hard to reach out to a lot of different people.

I get to meet different directors and different people.

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.

I've studied voice from a few different people for years.

I enjoy the whole aspect of training with different people.

I want to expand my horizons and mix with different people.

We're kind of influenced by all the different people we meet.

Performing is my therapy, to become different people onstage.

I'm fairly good at connecting with a lot of different people.

'Justice' actually means different things to different people.

So being two different people in one day unnerved me to no end.

As an actor, there are so many different people to hide behind.

Different people respond differently to head trauma than others.

I do have food in my books. Different people eat different ways.

Different people bring out different aspects of ones personality.

Health and wellness does mean different things to different people.

I've been very lucky that I've interviewed so many different people.

One of the things I love about this job is meeting different people.

On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone.

I like the way that different people recognise me for the roles I done.

Women can be two different people - one person at home, another at work.

I love working with a lot of different films and a lot of different people.

We write songs that hit different people at different ages where they live.

Touring is a weird thing. It's like getting married to four different people.

I've done a lot of different things and worked with a lot of different people.

I've given many lessons in many sports over the years to many different people.

Different people have different opinions, and it's okay to respect all of them.

In many films, as many different characters, I've killed many different people.

The same thing happened today that happened yesterday, only to different people.

I photograph different people all the time. I like to shoot all kinds of people.

I'm a very complex person. I have different people inside me, but it's still me.

I don't believe that there are aliens. I believe there are really different people.

I want to work with different people, and I would like to work in different places.

I think I just have one of those faces that can look like lots of different people.

Baseball is just a game, obviously, but it means a lot to a lot of different people.

I remember so vividly the first song I ever wrote. It was called 'Different People.'

I've supported a lot of different people. I went to law school with President Obama.

I work on music with different people, and I work on music on my own. That's my life.

I got into acting for the different scenarios and roles and meeting different people.

New York is like a melting pot: so many different people, so many different cultures.

I definitely want to go out and explore different personalities and different people.

The reason why I wanted to be an actor was to understand different people and cultures.

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