John Lennon was very irreverent and very intelligent.

I hate the irreverent rabble and keep them far from me.

In America few people will trust you unless you are irreverent.

I'm dirty, I'm irreverent - but I'm still a very topical comedian.

I pretty much just talk to and about men the way men talk to and about women.

Charli XCX is able to write these really catchy, sexy, irreverent, fun hooks.

I wanted to make youthful, irreverent anthems. Parents might not get it, but kids would.

I think that, to some degree, being irreverent is the only reason I continue to be successful.

The completely irreverent tone was the thing that won me over about the first 'Deadpool' movie.

I mean, the thing is, is that Britain has got a great tradition of irreverent political satire.

I like 'The Simpsons' quite a lot. I love the irreverent character of the whole show. It's great.

I loved Adam Sandler's early stuff. I thought it was so cool how irreverent and weird he would get.

Our conversations on 'The Herd' are irreverent, insightful and original. That's a great combination.

I guess the tone of jokes is often, at best, irreverent, but it always comes from a place of deep love.

Original thought, original artistic expression is by its very nature questioning, irreverent, iconoclastic.

I think I am really irreverent and I pretty much just talk to and about men the way men talk to and about women.

You learn history in school, and you have a reverential feeling toward it. But by being irreverent, it feels current.

The only movie I can watch on a loop, over and over, is 'Help', the Beatles movie. It's so funny and irreverent and great.

I feel like the character of Han Solo is irreverent. A very serious, precious story about Han Solo would not be that enjoyable.

The younger generation of hip-hop artists believes in doing something irreverent, inventing a new style. That's all it's about.

On the surface, 'Book of Mormon' is extremely irreverent, but underneath, there's a great sweetness and a very positive message.

People think because 'Vice' is irreverent and because we're crazy, we're stunt journalists. You know what? I don't actually care.

I'm irreverent, I'm not politically correct, and I feel that I'm protected in my private life because I live a very public private life.

I love Clint Eastwood, and I wish to work with him again. He's completely irreverent about everything, including his own beautiful work.

I had some great English teachers. One of my favorite - her name was Linda Janoff - was wonderful and so irreverent and so smart and encouraging.

Howard Zinn was magical as a teacher. Witty, irreverent, and wise, he loved what he was teaching and clearly wanted his students to love it, also.

When you play a sax, that saxophone is irreverent. It's noisy; it's a trickster... you cannot hide the saxophone in your hands, so it's a good teacher.

I'm kind of desperately looking for those things that will... you know, sort of show my wilder side, in a way, my much more irreverent, badly behaved side.

Comics write to their point of view. If you're an exceedingly irreverent comedian, you've got to see where that point of view fits or produces the most funny.

Many artists and writers have used cannabis for creative stimulation - from the writers of the world's religious masterpieces to our most irreverent satirists.

All I can start with is what moves me and feels like a great challenge as an actor and I think is saying something unusual or irreverent or human - honest in some way.

If our hard-earned liberty, our desire to be irreverent of the old and to question the new, can be reduced to one, basic and indispensable right, it must be the right to free speech.

The reason I call my book 'Irreverent' is because there were a lot of pictures that were very irreverent. Maybe I could call my book 'Forgiving' because maybe I made a lot of errors, too.

I just think that gay men have much better taste than any straight man I have met. I have never gotten any grief about having a good time, being unapologetic, and irreverent from a gay man.

It doesn't seem that long ago to me that the word 'irreverent' seemed affixed to my name. 'Irreverent newcomer.' I went from irreverent to venerable in what seems to me like the blink of an eye.

I'm a happy guy. I like to joke around. I'm irreverent. I love my family; I love my son. I was very happy with and proud of the birth of my son. I grew up a lot after he was born. I'm just an easy and happy guy.

'Take Her Up to Monto' is a very satirical song. I don't really like people calling it a folk song because it kind of isn't. It's a bit cheeky calling it 'Take Her Up to Monto,' but the whole idea was to be very irreverent.

It was a long time ago: 'Angela's Ashes' by Frank McCourt. It was a great story that was lasting, and I loved it so much. I also love Nora Ephron. I gobble up everything she writes. Also, I love Anthony Bourdain, very irreverent and funny.

I respect the astute and rigorously unsentimental David Horowitz as one of America's most original and courageous political analysts. He has the true 1960s spirit - audacious and irreverent, yet passionately engaged and committed to social change.

My friend and I sang an a cappella rendition of Extreme's 'More Than Words' at one of our football pep rallies in a desperate attempt to look cool. For a while, I wore pink Converse All Stars because I thought it made me seem daring and irreverent.

As a comedian, I am obligated to tell you the truth, my truth. To share with you my beliefs, my perspective. And I think that we forget sometimes that that's the oath that comics take, that we will go up and share everything - the irreverent, the scary.

The attributes we're focused on for Mickey are exactly the ones Walt had in mind in the first place. The original Mickey was impish and irreverent. Walt sanitized him because when Mickey got so popular, there was a fear that his behavior was influencing kids.

For my tribe, the people I found years ago, we've found sanctuary in the irreverent, in the off-center, in the quirky... And that's how we stay entertained, and that's how we stay engaged in what would otherwise seem to be a really cruel world. A really harsh world.

Eight years ago, I was drawn into Keats's world by Andrew Motion's biography. Soon I was reading back and forth between Keats's letters and his poems. The letters were fresh, intimate and irreverent, as though he were present and speaking. The Keats spell went very deep for me.

There's a certain irreverent, populist 'realness' to Donald Trump's much-maligned Twitter account and off-the-cuff remarks to the press. His down-to-earth style is out of place in the Washington, D.C. swamp-world of uptight professional politicians, but that's exactly what makes him so appealing to regular people.

I believe that movies are fast becoming antique and dinosauric as a medium. Film is a medium for the over-40s and television has gone the same way. If you're going to look towards the new generation, then of course you're going to have to be a lot more random, spontaneous, irreverent and provocative with your programming.

There were two recording studios in Bellingham. One was really expensive, a "nice studio." We were at the point where we were young and irreverent. We would scoff at the idea of a nice studio. "Why would you want to go to a nice studio? Oh wow, they have really expensive gear. Ooh, that's really fancy. Well we've got an eight-track. We've got it going on here." Now that we have the resources, we're like, "Oh wow, a nice studio is pretty nice! They do have nice outboards here. It's actually a pretty good place." It's funny how much changes so quickly.

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