What can pay love but love?

Alas! how deeply painful is all payment!

We must be willing to pay a price for freedom.

Grace makes the promise and providence the payment.

My manager has a car payment, so I work every night.

Every form of payment has some risk associated with it.

Credit card interest payments are the dumbest money of all.

The payment for sins can be delayed. But they cant be avoided.

In every work a reward added makes the pleasure twice as great.

The payment for sins can be delayed. But they can't be avoided.

Profit is the payment you get when you take advantage of change.

Georgians understand obligation, love of family, and payment plans.

Success is never owned, it is rented, and the rent is due every day.

The payment for certain sins can be delayed. But they can't be avoided.

We deserve this payment by all stretches of how one would calculate it.

Love seeks a guerdon; friendship is as God,Who gives and asks no payment.

Bitcoin as an asset class is brilliant, as a means of payment, fantastic.

Consumers expect a safe, convenient, and affordable globalised payment platform.

I own the whole world, and folks haven't been keeping up too well on the payments.

Money doesn't buy happiness. Some people say it's a heck of a down payment, though.

Nature has lent us life at interest, like money, and has fixed no day for its payment.

I think Twitter is the future of communications and Square will be the payment network.

When you're nearing 35, going, 'Hey Dad, I can't make these payments,' just isn't cool.

Love is a check, that can be forged, that can be cashed. Love is a payment that comes due.

Your true value is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

Well I am afraid that I am going to die, because I have just put a down payment on a house.

Withholding of payment of taxes is one of the quickest methods of overthrowing a government.

I learned that monthly payments are the cornerstone of everything in the automobile business.

To take part in this brothel through the payment of my taxes, that had become to me unbearable.

Under ideal conditions, the barrister and the bhangi (sweeper) should both get the same payment.

There are many, many ways that we can obtain payment for the wall from our friends to the south.

Once a citizen receives a direct payment from the state, the state has purchased their complicity

Many scammers are only using personal checks for payment because they can take the money and run.

We really think of Bitcoin as a global, interoperable payment network instead of a store of value.

To vote is like the payment of a debt, a duty never to be neglected, if its performance is possible.

Same way we have enough money to bail out Wall Street, we need to put a down payment on Main Street.

When something is aspirational, you don't want someone to be thinking about payment every single time.

Help is dangerous because it exists outside the human economy: the only payment for help is gratitude.

The payments which have been made into the Treasury show the very productive state of the public revenue.

I very rarely use a credit card, but I do if I know I have big bills coming and I need to stagger payment.

Every rejection is incremental payment on your dues that in some way will be translated back into your work.

In love there are no penalties and no payments, and what is given is indistinguishable from what is received.

If I didn't mind having a quarter of my car payment going towards a gym membership, I'd definitely go to Equinox.

Banks provide payment systems, core deposit and lending facilities that enable us to manage our day to day affairs.

I have never paid a policeman myself. I have never sanctioned, knowingly sanctioned, a payment to a police officer.

The main idea with Brave is that you don't have to think about Bitcoin; you just have this frictionless payment system.

I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.

It all comes down to interest rates. As an investor, all you're doing is putting up a lump-sump payment for a future cash flow.

I realized I didn't need to go to work every day. I could work for the pleasure and the challenge, not for the mortgage payment.

If you ask me whether the election of Barack Obama is the fulfillment of Dr. King's dream, I say, 'No, it's just a down payment.'

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