My film collection is all oldies.

I listen to oldies but goodies stations, '60s and '70s music.

I have been told that my voice is very suited to oldies albums.

I grew up listening to oldies, like Motown. That's from my mom.

I figure the oldies are real close to what rocking country use to be.

I listen to a lot of oldies stuff. Some Motown, Michael Jackson, jazz, etc.

I grew up on oldies like the Beatles and the Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin and The Who.

I listened to oldies radio stations as a kid; lots of Kinks and Beatles and '50s hits.

I met all my heroes on the oldies circuit: Gary U.S. Bonds, Lloyd Price, Little Richard.

I don't want to be an oldies act, kind of dragging around on the road just for the money.

I am an oldies act - yes, I am - there's that part of me, but I am so much more than that.

I love oldies just kind of sweet, slinky, Fifties music. The slow stuff. And Billie Holiday.

Kids don't see me as an oldies person when I go out on stage. They see me as an energy force.

It's vital all we oldies learn as much as we can about the Internet so we are not left behind.

Sometimes I listen to '60s or oldies stations to see if they're going to play a Beach Boys song.

When I used to play nightclubs, you had to play Top 40 or favorite oldies that maybe people could relate to.

When we oldies were kids, there was little on offer, food wise, particularly for people with restricted diets.

I've always been a fan of music. I listened to a whole lot of oldies - I never really listened to rap music that much.

I hate it when bands do that; they're so proud of their new album, they have to play all of it and a couple of golden oldies.

We listen to oldies when we go on tour. Beach Boys radio was really clutch; that was definitely our favorite Pandora station.

The Ramones are not an oldies group; they are not a glitter group. They don't play boogie music, and they don't play the blues.

There's so many oldies stations with 'Never Ending Story' and 'Too Shy' on their playlists, thank God. People still love the songs.

I listen to both oldies and contemporary stations. I enjoy listening to current stuff because there's an energy to it that's inspiring.

I didn't end up some sad, tragic guy singing in a lounge somewhere. I never went out and took big money for nostalgia and became like an oldies act.

My family is still in Los Angeles. We listened to all sorts of music: Mexican music, oldies, soul, disco and rock & roll. I was surrounded by music.

My father and mother listened to oldies, from be-bop and swing music to - I hate to admit it, but - Barry Manilow, Fleetwood Mac and the Moody Blues.

Nothing makes me want to scream louder than oldies doddering on to a train at a slow shuffle when the rest of us are just trying to get on with our day.

If you believe that your best years are behind you, you've guaranteed they are; I'm going to dance into that good night, with the oldies turned up loud.

When I was 6, 7 years old, I was raised on all the old-school stuff. My momma used to play oldies in the house. That's all my momma used to play around the house was oldies.

Every few years, I go back into all the songs and I update them so that it never sounds like an oldies show. If you come to the shows, they're full of muscle. 'Copacabana' sounds like it could have been released yesterday.

When I was a boy, I used to stay with a school friend in Bexhill, in Sussex, which was then well-known for being the town with more oldies than any other. Aged ten, I felt slightly embarrassed by this, though I'm not sure why.

When you get to a certain age in society, they want to dictate to you when you should pack it in and that you should mentally grab a cane, a box of Depends, Geritol, listen to the oldies, and not eat spicy food after 9 o'clock.

I find it always pleasurable talking with young people, particularly those aspiring to be writers, out of nostalgia, and because I've always felt that we oldies can learn so much from them and draw from them inspiration in our flagging and rickety years.

I want to go back to the format that radio started with rock n' roll, with country artists and rhythm and blues with that oldies type feeling. I want to put it all together and create a Top 40 of rhythm and blues and country and straight blues with Wolfman at the reins.

I think the cruise industry has come of age. And older people my age are attracted to the cruise ship industry. And they are booming right now, and all over the world they are booming. And I think they're for the golden oldies, and there are more and more of them around.

We lived out in the middle of nowhere - the most random places - because of my father's work. We spent a lot of time in the car on long drives, just to get anywhere. We listened to oldies rock on the car radio, and the most-played group on oldies rock radio is the Beatles.

Sonnymoon and Quadrants are a couple of bands that really inspire me in terms of the melodics of things and certain tones and just what feels good. It takes me back to the type of music that I grew up on in my household. We played a lot of gangsta rap, but we also played a lot of oldies, and I think that mix is part of what inspires my sound.

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