I'm laid back.

I'm pretty laid back.

Leeds is quite laid-back.

I tell it how it is. I'm laid back.

You could say I'm a laid-back kind of guy.

I've always been laid back, go with the flow.

My dad's funny. He's laid back and a cool guy.

I can be laid back, but I'm pretty high strung.

I've always been fairly reserved and laid-back.

I'm usually just so laid back most of the times.

I'm a laid back dude, I don't really get excited.

I'm not good with catty girls. I'm too laid-back.

LA people are more laid back about certain things.

My husband and I are just really laid back people.

I like girls who are laid back and fun to be around.

Really, I'm pretty laid-back, always cracking jokes.

I'm super laid back. I'm from Texas. I love my family.

Aussies are really laid back, and so are Californians.

I'm laid back, I'm genuine, I'm easy to get along with.

Everyone in the music industry is so fun and laid-back.

Tina Fey is really cool. She's so mellow and laid back.

I'm definitely laid back. I don't take things so seriously.

I'm a fun person to be around, laid back, love to have fun.

I'm really laid back but I still like to dress up sometimes.

I am the Terrell off the field who is laid back and this is me.

I love the Empire Awards. It is really different and laid back.

People think I'm laid back, but there's a lot going on in my head.

The truth is that I am not a frump... I just enjoy being laid back.

The music industry's very laid back while I'm very, very aggressive.

My style is very laid back. Just wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and kicks.

Some people take the view that I'm too laid back. Yet it's how I feel.

I look like a casual, laid-back guy, but it's like a circus in my head.

The older I get the more laid back I am about whatever happens, happens.

God seems to have a kind of laid-back management style I’m not crazy about.

Yeah I'm chillin' on a dirt road, laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones.

Clint Eastwood just runs an incredibly tight ship, but it's really laid back.

I feel I'm pretty zen and laid back. I don't have a lot of rage in my real life.

I love Charlotte. I'm more reserved and calm and laid back, and this city is slow.

I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well.

I think maybe L.A. or San Francisco could be rushed, but Sacramento is just laid back!

I'm very laid back, easy. There's nothing better in life than seeing your kids do well.

I’m a much nicer person, much more laid-back and relaxed, not serious like they show me.

L.A. is kind of laid back, but New York, everybody is out there for that buck, you know.

My perfect guy wears converse, is totally laid back, and doesn't worry about being cool.

I liked that about her. I liked how laid back she was, when she wasn’t trying to stab me.

I'm getting comfortable with West Coast style, which is more laid-back than British style.

Ever since I was a teenager, my style around girls has been kinda like 'laid back in da cut.'

Nothing really annoys me, I'm not that kind of person, I'm quite laid back about most things.

I don't think my parents would be shocked about anything I did, because they're so laid-back.

I'm interested in why people talk like they do. Like Boston Irish. It's so laid back. Why is that?

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