It didn't matter what you looked like. It was how you carried yourself, how you saw yourself.

Reality had no gears, and you never knew what surprises would come spinning out of its chaos.

Sometimes you have to delete characters from a scene just to keep from overcrowding the image.

there was a beautiful princess with a prince kissing her lips only the prince was totally ugly

That's how things were out here in the wild, she was learning. Dangerous or beautiful. Or both.

Luckily for writers - and unluckily for history - every scientific idea creates human conflict.

You’d best ask the lady boffin, sir,” Newkirk said. “Midshipmen aren’t allowed to have opinions.

And you know, these things don't last forever.' I know, Mandy. Nothing does.' That's the spirit.

We needed to become world-famous soon, while there was still that kind of world to be famous in.

Tally turned away. Five minutes was suddenly too long to stand here, eyes burning, unable to cry.

But they're already singing our praises!" "They are Americans. They toot their horns for anything.

Maybe that was the price of loving someone: You lost your grasp of where they ended and you began.

When the term 'machine gun' enters common parlance, the word 'machine' becomes much more sinister.

I kissed him once," she whispered. "Well done. What did he do?" "Um..." Deryn sighed. "He woke up.

When the term "machine gun" enters common parlance, the word "machine" becomes much more sinister.

Frighteningly Beautiful, Dangerously Strong, Breathtakingly Fast. Face it Tally-wa you're special.

That was one problem with dramatic exits: Sometimes they wound up making you look like a bubblehead.

Ah. So he's forgotten the most important rule of warfare. Which is... That nothing ever goes to plan.

The flowers were so beautiful, so delicate and unthreatening, but they choked everything around them.

Do you love him?" Deryn swallowed, then pointed at the screen. "He makes me feel like that. Like flying.

It's not the traveling that takes courage Tally. I've done much longer trips on my own. It's leaving home.

If you see everything through hovercams and feed stories, you wind up blind to what's right in front of you.

We're not freaks, Tally. We're normal. We may not be gorgeous, but at least we're not hyped-up Barbie dolls.

Tally smiled. At least she was causing trouble to the end. "I'm Tally Youngblood," she said. "make me pretty.

It's amazing how quickly nature consumes human places after we turn our backs on them. Life is a hungry thing.

Sometimes the facts in my head get bored and decide to take a walk in my mouth. Frequently this is a bad thing.

That Shay was in possesion of hand grenades was a comforting thought showed what kind of night this had become.

However stupid the choice seemed, Shay had made it with her eyes open, and had respected Tally's choice to stay.

Shay sometimes talked in a mysterious way, like she was quoting the lyrics of some band no one else listened to.

Typographical laziness was slowly destroying our culture, according to Lexa and her pals. Inexactitude was death.

Becoming pretty doesn't just change the way you look," she said. "No," David said. "It changes the way you think.

The world needed more fireworks- especially now that there was going to be a shortage of beautiful, useless things.

Perhaps it's worth saying again: One reader's discomfort should never stand in the way of another reader's survival.

Dying is one of those things that can’t be fixed. Not by talking about it, not with all the brain surge in the world.

Tally, do you ever suffer from sudden flashes of anger or euphoria, countersocial impulses, or feelings of superiority?

There was a species of middle pretty who smiled at everything: happy smile, disappointed smile, you're-in-trouble smile.

That was the whole point of being special: You existed to make sure everyone else behaved, but that didn't mean YOU had to.

I’m not against thinking; I’m only against thinking that thinking on its own will get you out of a hole. Shovel also needed.

I have no problem with commenters stating strong opinions, except for my usual annoyance with people who don't agree with me.

Let me get this stright, Aya-Chan. You want me, a person who can't lie, to lie about the fact that I can't lie?" -Frizz mizuno

Left alone, human beings are a plague. They multiply relentlessly, consuming every resource, destroying everything they touch.

I think any List of Best X creates arguments and people saying 'You listed that rubbish?' That's what lists like this are for.

A rousing tale of techno-geek rebellion, as necessary and dangerous as file sharing, free speech, and bottled water on a plane.

So, there was this beautiful princess. She was locked in a high tower(...)She was stuck up there(...)So the only thing was to jump.

Surely no one would ever use such a weapon against a city." "There are no limits in war," Volger said, still staring out the window.

Once we turn, it’s new pretty, middle pretty, late pretty.” Shay dropped her arms, and her board stopped drifting. “Then dead pretty.

What about a hoverboard?" "It's waiting on the roof, of course." Dr. Cable snorted. "What is it about you miscreants and those things?

People only worry about the uncanny for about a week; that's the end of their attention span. After that, suspicions turn into shtick.

But you weren't born expecting that kind of beauty in everyone, all the time. You just got programmed into thinking anything else is ugly.

High school wasn't a trial by fire or some ordeal that had to be survived. It was all a big joke. You just had to provide the laugh track.

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