People who are obsessed amuse me.

I hate people who 'gaze rape' me.

I don't listen to people who doubt me.

People who criticise me are just jealous.

I only want people around me who can do the impossible.

I trust the people who are working with me. I delegate.

There were so many people who wanted me for their films.

I tend to be loyal to the people who have been loyal to me.

At Wisconsin, I wasn't working for people who believed in me.

I'm happiest when I'm with people who have known me for years.

I like people who are loyal to me, and I like to be loyal, too.

I want people around me who call me out and hold me accountable.

Most of the people who have complaints with me aren't reading me.

I have got calls from people who are comparing me to Rajinikanth.

I felt like people only knew me as a singer who dated pretty girls.

People who like hard-hitting wrestling and action, they'll like me.

There are lots of people who are red-carpet types, but that's not me.

There are people who want photographs and autographs when they meet me.

I grew up aware of all the people I depended on and who depended on me.

People haven't seen me in a comedic setting, but that's who I really am.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

I accept there are people out there who don't like me. I don't like them.

Nine out of 10 people who recognize me recognize me from the commercials.

I would make people who bullied me laugh, so that's my defense mechanism.

Not naming names, but it shocks me, some of the people who get the breaks.

I only want to write a song with the people who want to write a song with me.

I represent hardworking people. That's who raised me. That's who I grew up around.

I do want people to think of me as an actor, not just a posh actor who does posh parts.

Bill Withers and Curtis Mayfield, those are the people who informed me in playing the bass.

Call me territorial or narcissistic, but I avoid novels about people who share my vocation.

The people who are inspiring and strong for me are the ones who acknowledge vulnerabilities.

The people who don't like me are completely irrelevant to me, just as I'm irrelevant to them.

Some part of me hopes for a guardian angel to protect me and other people who need protection.

Most of the people who call me a sellout were 7 when I was down face-first in the punk trenches.

I met a congressman who claimed that he could introduce me to two people who saw Amelia Earhart.

For me, people in Ireland who became actors would have to go through the Billy Barry's in Dublin.

I think I've finally proven something to people who were cynical about me. Because they were cruel.

Lots of people think it was Jimmy Page who had the first fuzzbox. It wasn't, No! it wasn't me either.

People can say what they want. It is the people inside the camp who count to me. The people around me.

At the Olympics, I'm representing the United States as well as the town and people who helped shape me.

This project, 'Electronica,' is about working with people who are a strong source of inspiration to me.

There are people out there who want me to fail, who want Jude to fail, who want our relationship to fail.

My entire career, in fiction or nonfiction, I have reported and written about people who are not like me.

People who are isolated interest me, whether they isolate themselves or have been isolated by circumstances.

There's still a lot of people who don't like me, but they are now overshadowed by the people who do like me.

I enjoy being around people who disagree with me; and I enjoy being in non-political contexts and activities.

I happen to be a guy who also plays the piano and sings, so people automatically associate me with Billy Joel.

I have against me the bourgeois, the military and the diplomats, and for me, only the people who take the Métro.

It's the people who transcend their backgrounds who are interesting to me. I have got a bit of inverted snobbery.

I grew up with artists and drag queens. These were just my neighbors and friends and the people who are raising me.

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