My mom was as brilliant a cook as my dad is.

I'm into exploring the fringes of a culture.

Being with my family is my highest priority.

I'm stronger than anything in my way. Holla!

If it's not fun, you are not doing it right.

A lot of people take shots at news channels.

It's pointless to get all huffy about stuff.

Food is a common denominator for all people.

I definitely eat in moderation and exercise.

Every television show you go on is a choice.

Anyone that says looks don't count is lying.

Having a baby is definitely a labor of love.

Don't cry for money. It never cries for you.

Sometimes I just wish nobody knew who I was.

I get so paranoid about the makeup build-up.

People label you the way they know you best.

I'm into mellow dates with really good food.

I think that I get bored easily with things.

I am Indian and a chef with Indian heritage.

As journalists, we keep pushing and pushing.

I live a life that most girls only dream of.

I carry my own food with me everywhere I go.

I don't believe in diets, and no one should.

You can't change what you don't acknowledge.

I've learned a tremendous amount from Oprah.

Where there is no Jesus, evil always reigns.

My favorite ice cream is Haagen-Dazs coffee.

There really aren't too many sock companies.

Leopard is timeless... especially in Jersey!

I've had my heart broken one too many times.

I know some women are intimidated by makeup.

You never really see me acting a fool on TV.

I am not a psychic medium. I am a sensitive.

There are no bad foods, only bad food habits.

Dog obesity is a big problem in this country.

I can't work without my family being with me.

All my black friends can't swim. Is that bad?

I'm not self boasting. I'm a really good mom.

Love me or hate me, I always speak the truth.

It's never too late to get good at something.

I wake up in the morning thinking about food.

I can't stop once I've started.... it stings!

In real life, events seem much less dramatic.

At my age an affair of the heart is a bypass!

The thing is, I'm happiest when I'm on stage.

I love the way my life has fallen into place.

I have never seen a generous man go bankrupt.

I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse

Stay green, stay in the woods, and stay safe.

Never live with someone that won the Heisman.

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