It's time to recognise the Armenian Genocide.

My reality is never going to be stick-skinny.

I am really cautious about what I say and do.

Personally, I've always loved the curvy look.

I own a lot of shoes; I am not sure how many.

I read a lot of 'Spark Notes' in high school.

I just follow the subjects I'm interested in.

Most choices are driven by immediate results.

Pain is the price you pay for resisting life.

A smile is the most important thing you wear.

I used to want to write commercials as a kid.

Sometimes you gotta leave when you're on top.

I'm just sitting around thinking about turkey.

You can tell the history of people on a plate.

I went onto reality TV as a business decision.

Summer = yoga, snowcones, swimming & no makeup

I've always been told I have a giant placenta.

I never wanted to rely on my family for money.

America is like the greatest hit of the world.

I don't eat sweets. I'm not a big dessert guy.

I am not a hesitant bull, I'm a Pamplona bull.

old age' is always ten years more than we are.

Don’t worry about the money. Love the process.

That impresses me more, inventin' electricity.

I've never worried about life's big questions.

When you associate with scum, you become scum.

I think I'm the most private out of my family.

I live my life on TV - it's like a home video.

Don't cry about money, it never cries for you.

Don’t let the dark clouds of greed confuse you

My fitness journey will be a lifelong journey.

I feel like I'm at a really happy, good space.

It just wasn't the fairy tale I had hoped for.

Costco is a passion. Costco is like a massage.

Live with no excuses and love with no regrets.

If what you're doing isn't working, change it.

I think I've got the best staff in television.

Fear God. Love your neighbor. And shoot ducks.

You can't be nervous when you know your steps.

Everybody thinks I'm the weirdo in the family.

But I put my life on the line to save animals.

I've always seen modeling as a stepping stone.

I try to keep my private life kind of private.

Modeling is being a ho, but making it fashion.

I look up to Walt Disney and what he has done.

I learned my ABCs, 1-2-3 from 'Sesame Street.'

Partying isn't every aspect to my personality.

I enjoy painting and can copy almost anything.

My parents' firstborn was a rescued collie mix.

You don't get second chances in the real world.

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