I'm like a really goofy home ec teacher.

I'm a young girl and I want to have fun.

Our whole life revolves around our pets.

I love making cakes, and I'm good at it.

Life is short, I have no time for drama.

I would like to have three or four kids.

Television isn't my career. Business is.

I'm not a religious person by any means.

She's so fat, she's my two best friends.

Run scared ... and they never catch you.

Being nice can make you feel very happy.

I believe in my heart Simpson is guilty.

Don't call me, I'll call you... I'm out.

I love watching 'Golden Sisters' on OWN.

I'm the true definition of a workaholic.

My theory is, 'Happy mommy, happy baby.'

I'm the most boring pregnant woman ever.

Most importantly, it´s in giving thanks.

Dating is all about the chase. It's fun!

I'm the oldest and I've got two sisters.

I'll rail against what I think is wrong.

I'm a low-tech man in a high-tech world.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ

Never dull your shine for somebody else.

I do look at 'Modelland' as a franchise.

I like gifts that provide a dual purpose.

Never assume someone is smarter than you.

I despise shopping and department stores.

What I care about is maximum information.

Canadians are the best, they're the best.

I don't think the world is jealous of me.

No happy man bases his decisions on fear.

If you laugh at it, you can deal with it.

Prince Charles is so funny. So, so funny.

What I mean is, I don't know what I mean.

It is hard eating a little kangaroo knob.

I've had a tummy tuck - we all know that.

I can sleep anywhere. I'm like an infant.

I think I have a slight fear of intimacy.

If I weren't a matchmaker, I'd be a chef.

There are some sick people in this world.

I will not give or back off from my path.

I reorganize my closet nearly every week.

Victoria's got her secrets. Hey, so do I!

Hey, dont hate the player, hate the team.

I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll.

I do everything that everybody else does.

I was a big Dave Winfield guy growing up.

Yeah, I do enjoy having chaos in my life.

I knew how to swim by the time I turned 4.

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