You must raise your aspirations, set higher goals, and make detailed plans to achieve them.

Don't let the difficulty of actually achieving a shot make you think that the shot is good.

There is nothing that love cannot achieve, and there is nothing that love cannot sacrifice.

A small team, committed to a cause bigger than themselves, can achieve absolutely anything.

You can be nasty when you are young, but you really have to be older to achieve bitterness.

When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.

Focus alone is not enough; putting in the time to commit is also crucial to achieve success.

There are two rules for achieving anything. Rule No. 1: Get started. Rule No. 2: Keep going.

Never in my life did I think I would be congratulated by Mick Jagger for achieving anything.

When we confront facts and fears, we achieve real power and unleash our capacity for change.

When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity your very effort fills you with activity.

We Have the Ability to Achieve, If We Master the Necessary Goodwill, a Common Global Society

A classical education enables you to despise the wealth that it prevents you from achieving.

I achieved everything I wanted to achieve by being in the Rolling Stones and making records.

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.

It shouldn't matter what you're into, how you look - you can achieve whatever you aspire to.

I always wanted to have my own farm. I've never been able to achieve that. It's kinda tough.

The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely in service to society.

Socialists cannot achieve their great aim without fighting against all oppression of nations.

But when you come from a large, wonderful family, there's always a way to achieve your goals.

It's perseverance that's the key. It's persevering for long enough to achieve your potential.

If you want to become something, achieve something in life, then always listen to your heart.

There are some forms of stupidity that one must be highly intelligent and educated to achieve.

Anything I wanted to do and achieve has not been influential in my life, but my failures have.

I am a person who thinks about the music first in trying to achieve something musically valid.

It’s not that you have to achieve anything, it’s that you have to get away from where you are.

If you want to achieve something great, you have to work hard for it. It is as simple as that.

All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve are the direct results of your thoughts.

People used me, in a way, to achieve something, and I was glad of it. I was just doing my job.

I regret what happened. I saw no other possibility to achieve my goal. It was not hooliganism.

My mum's amazing - every time I achieve something in my career, she buys me a diamond earring.

If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.

I have discovered that even the mediocre can have adventures and even the fearful can achieve.

For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is.

If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it.

Maybe I shall never achieve happiness, but one thing I have had - the terrible wisdom of love.

You have a goal in life, and to achieve what you want, you've got to do what you've got to do.

Those who lack the capacity to achieve much in an atmosphere of freedom will clamor for power.

Justice is the only way to achieve peace and co-existence among the various components of Iraq.

I think working as part of a brotherhood shows you can achieve personal satisfaction in a team.

What could you achieve that would make you proud, that no one else could do with the same ease?

You grow when there are trophies in your trophy cabinet. I hope to achieve that here in Naples.

I realised that you don't have to jump through a series of complicated hoops to achieve a goal.

My fast is, among other things, meant to qualify me for achieving that equal and selfless love.

When you put a lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that's a really good feeling.

...for all men do their acts with a view to achieving something which is, in their view, a good.

A lot of models achieve that kind of iconic position by working primarily with one photographer.

At times of great stress it is especially necessary to achieve a complete freeing of the muscles

I always believe I can beat the best, achieve the best. I always see myself in the top position.

Racism tears down your insides so that no matter what you achieve, you're not quite up to snuff.

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