Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

You gotta be able to adapt.

I can adapt to any situation.

Good players always adapt well.

You've got to adapt - or get out.

I believe I can adapt to anything.

Times change and you have to adapt.

Bowlers have to adapt all the time.

'Adapt and overcome' is my new motto.

It's difficult to adapt to Barcelona.

You adapt to who you're photographing.

Some things are difficult to adapt to.

I am always trying to learn and adapt.

A true champion can adapt to anything.

It's not easy to adapt to losing a lot.

I feel like I can adapt to any defense.

It's good to try and learn how to adapt.

I adapt my workouts to what my needs are.

You have to have coaches willing to adapt.

We adapt very quickly to things, don't we?

It's funny how quickly human beings adapt.

I adapt more to the match for the second set.

I'm too old to adapt to somebody else's ways.

Basketball players can adapt to any situation.

I don't think I'm the right man to adapt a book.

It's fun to see how other artists adapt my work.

The more you adapt, the more interesting you are.

You've got to be able to adapt to your environment.

I just can really adapt to any kind of environment.

It takes time to adapt to become an Arsenal player.

To adapt a play into a movie, you have to change it.

We have to adapt and overcome, that's all we can do.

You need to adapt your game for what the team needs.

I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I'm in.

If you want to try new challenges you have to adapt.

When you come to a new club, it takes time to adapt.

No matter where I bat I try to adapt to the situation.

I can adapt to change easily, but I'm not a fan of it.

You need to be ready, to adapt quickly and learn fast.

People in Russia adapt to misery by a deep, deep humor.

I think it's really hard for filmmakers to adapt books.

Organisms by their design are not made to adapt too far.

As a pop artist by definition, you have to learn to adapt.

My process to adapt to English football has been very good.

I'm trying to adapt - they say you have to adapt to vertigo.

I'm taught to adapt and exploit every situation in the ring.

I know what I like, and I'm not trying to adapt to new things.

In France one must adapt oneself to the fragrance of a urinal.

We have to show people we are willing to adapt to their world.

Every horse I get on I can adapt to. It's like a jigsaw puzzle.

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