A concert is always like a feast day to me.

My parents always taught me that my day job would never make me rich; it'd be my homework.

My parents have always supported me, and they still come to my events and support me each day.

Everyone is always super open to helping me even when I bug them every day for a couple of weeks!

I'm always afraid someone's going to tap me on the shoulder one day and say, 'Back to North London.'

I've always been a fan of martial arts actor Bruce Lee. His films made me want to go to China one day.

Even though I wasn't born or raised in El Paso, it'll always be a part of me until the day that I die.

My dream is to one day afford a real pair of ruby slippers. For me, they will always be the ultimate shoe.

My coaches have always been on my side, motivating me to try harder and harder every day, which is not easy.

I've always dreamed that George Lucas would call me one day and ask me to be in one of the 'Star Wars' films.

My bag always weighs a ton. I carry my whole bathroom with me. You never know what's going to happen in a day!

Ever since I was little, I loved soup! Whether I was sick or had a bad day, my momma would always make me soup!

My cane is now of me. I want it by my side. And I always will, even if one strange day I no longer need its support.

In my living room I always used to tell my mum 'one day I'll score for Everton' and when that happened it was unbelievable for me.

That's what makes me keep playing every day is the fact that I'm not quite there, you know. There's always more for me to be able to do.

Watch me on CNN/SI. Check out clips from 'Quite Frankly.' I've always been Stephen A. Smith. I've been this way since the day I was born.

I always thought it was a goat that kicked me over the fence. My mama told me the other day it was a cow. Now I'm sort of scared of both.

I always had dreamed one day Bruce Buffer's going to be introducing me... Derrick 'The Black Beast' Lewis... and I just always pictured him saying it.

I always assumed that, like my mother before me, one day I would have children. When I was 5, my fantasy was to have a hundred dogs and a hundred kids.

Even to this day, when someone says something derogatory about Boy George, it still upsets and offends me. Part of me will always be quite attached to him.

I've always had a massive fascination with the modern day cowboys. Modern day outlaws or going against the system, and that's always been very intriguing to me.

Shaking the commissioner's hand has always been a big thing for me. When you're young and you watch the draft every year, you're like, 'That's going to be me one day.'

My father was always anxious to give pleasure to his children. Accordingly, he took me one day, as a special treat, to the top of the grand old tower, to see the chimes played.

I always have Moleskine notebooks on my desk. I am a big journaler. Every day I write down where I went, who I spoke to and what it was all about. Richard Branson told me to do that.

As a kid I watched television 24 hours a day and loved every minute of it. The two shows that always make me laugh and are therefore my favourites are The Dick Van Dyke Show and Fawlty Towers.

The real, raw, driven-to-tears type scenes have always scared me since I was very young working as an actor. And to this very day, I get tremendously neurotic making sure nothing is forced or fake.

I've always felt some kind of connection to people who are kind of over-smart. People who over-think things to the point of some sort of paralysis, and I think that certainly can be me on any given day.

Since my parents both worked, they hired me when I was 11 to make dinner every night. I got a quarter a day. But I was always making things like duck a l'orange and baked Alaska. I was a little bit nutty.

My mum has always kept my feet on the ground and told me that if I carry on working hard it will pay off. I used to say 'If I play for Everton one day' and she would always say 'No, when you play for Everton.'

As a kid, I loved Air Force Ones - but they were so expensive. I always had to save up for ages to get them. Now I can call the Nike guy and be like 'can you send me ten pairs?' and they'll be here the same day.

I've always dreamt about having kids more so than my wedding day. When it comes to colors, flowers, dresses... no idea. But if you ask me about kids; how many I want, names, genders? I'll have a full list for you!

As a kid growing up in public housing, I didn't always get show up at the first day of school with a new backpack full of supplies. Having the school supplies I needed would have made me feel more prepared and ready to learn.

Where I went to school, Eton College, we had to wear dark trousers, a tailcoat, and a stiff, starched collar every day, and that was fine with me: Part of the reason I wanted to go there was because I've always loved dressing up.

I think back into when I was in college coming out, what I had to go through, the steps I had to make. And I still play with that chip on my shoulder to this day and I always will, so that's something that'll always stay with me.

I have always wanted to write a novel, and I tried many times but could never find the right story. One day, I was walking on the beach, and the idea for 'Groundswell' hit me. I went into the house and started writing and never stopped.

The travel that I've spent around the country, I always come back with ideas for L.A. and vice versa: My experiences in L.A. give me an immediacy to issues that sometimes people in Washington think about but aren't experiencing every day.

Ever since I was little, my mum used to choose an outfit for me and lay it on the bed so I'd know what I was wearing the next day. I never went to a uniformed school, so I always had an outfit - and I never really grew out of that, I don't think.

For me, I was literally trying to stay afloat. I never actually thought I would get my own sketch show. So the idea that one day I would have my own show is pretty wild. But once I got it, I thought, 'Yeah, this is exactly what I always wanted to do.'

I like to get input from all different kinds of listeners, including the really conservative ones, and sometimes those listeners steer me in a direction that I haven't seen. But at the end of the day, my vote is always to go in the direction that makes me the most excited.

I live right next to a grocery store and I don't know if it's the bachelor in me, but I just go in and shop for what I need for the day. I'm an idiot because I don't shop for the whole week. The check out clerks always crack jokes about the fact that I'm in there sometimes twice a day.

On the farm, I had chores. I had a calf. We had a herd of cattle in the pasture. We'd go and get me a calf at a cow auction with Amish people, which I would raise. I gave it a bottle every day, in this cute little coop, like a giant dog coop almost. I've always been a big animal person.

I've always felt I struck out with Doris Day. Her son, Terry Melcher, was a producer I worked for at Columbia, and one day, he asked me to go to her house to play piano on a song she was doing. So I get there, and she has about 30 dogs running around the place - turns out she's a dog rescuer.

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