I'm the oldest antique in town.

I still like my antique clothes.

You have to fight against being an antique.

My favourite finds are often antique pieces with a history.

I wore a woman's antique fur jacket to my high school junior prom.

I have no interest in making music that's built for an antique shop.

I love white linens and walls mixed with antique Victorian furniture.

There was a time when I restored antique planes to support my art habit.

I tend to like antique things. Something can be old, but it can be timeless.

When I was a teenager in New York, I was buying antique clothes. I still am.

I love hats! I collect vintage ones - I find them at antique shops in Kansas.

A lot of my time is spent reading antique or out-of-print books of reference.

Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural.

We had two grand antique professors who had been teaching at Lombard since before I was born.

I am never without my gavel, which I bought from an antique shop in Burford, in the Cotswolds.

When I go to a country, I go to flea markets, antique stores. I am always looking for something.

My apartment is full of antique pieces, but I put everything together like a modern installation.

Anthologizing is a dusty sport, half antique hunting and half literary gossip fest, and I love it.

I have this beautiful antique silver wine decanter that I bought at an auction. I always pour wine from that.

I don't get attached to anything. I'm like a good antique dealer. I'm prepared to sell my most valuable table.

I really like collections of things. I love antique botanical prints with a bunch of different weeds and seeds.

I shop a lot more for furniture than I do for clothes. I much prefer going to an antique shop full of obscurities.

I jog at the Rose Bowl, and I collect antique and vintage furniture, so I'm there every few weeks for the flea market.

I wear a lot of different jewelry. I love to look for it when I'm abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop.

Junk stands and antique markets are the perfect place to pick up clues about the history of a country, region or town.

I wear a lot of different jewellery. I love to look for it when I'm abroad or if I find a great antique or vintage shop.

My wardrobe consists of antique clothes, many of my designs, plus shoes and shirts from Brooks Brothers and Paul Stuart.

I have gained value like an antique. If there is an '80s event, I normally get the call and that is a nice problem to have.

When I find something at a flea market or an antique store, it feels more special and I'm more inclined to want to wear it.

Dodger Stadium is not an antique. It's not Frank Lloyd Wright. It's a nice place to play baseball, but there are far better.

I love antique architecture, so if I have any indulgences, I have owned and renovated and reconstructed a lot of old houses.

The 370-year-old antique shop Trifles and Folly is the heart of 'Deadly Curiosities,' my new urban fantasy novel from Solaris Books.

One of the things that attracts me to vintage and antique things is they have stories, and even if I don't know the stories, I make them up.

My father loved antique shops and shows, and quite a bit of my childhood involved outings to dim, dusty places packed with cast-off treasures.

I don't take showers at night, because I take a bath when I wake up. Then I go to bed on the most beautiful Egyptian-cotton antique sheets in the world.

Don't use your advance to buy an antique sports car, diamonds by the yard, or a bottle of wine from Thomas Jefferson's cellar instead of investing in your book.

My mom passed on her obsession of all things antique or vintage. I love to go thrift store shopping or explore any sort of garage sale. Treasure hunting is a family passion.

Even if you have $20,000 to buy an item, you still try to get a good price at antique stores. I collect furniture, rugs, paintings, frames. It's my hobby to go around to shops and markets.

When I lived in Paris, I would shop at antique shops and buy these huge coats because I was very cold. And then I started performing in them because I felt safe. I never stopped doing that.

My desk is an antique with bookshelves built into the side. I've turned the drawer over to hold a keyboard. We live in a 100-year-old house, and I work in an apartment above the carriage house.

On the other hand, I don't understand the enthusiasm for everything in the antique shop that Grandma threw out. There, the sense of quality has declined; otherwise Grandma wouldn't have thrown it out.

A house with any kind of age will have dozens of stories to tell. I suppose if a novelist could live long enough, one could base an entire oeuvre on the lives that weave in and out of an antique house.

I bought two sculptures of two baboons called Lord and Lady Muck on an antique piece of furniture from an art exhibition, and it was quite expensive. It was very expensive, actually - way too expensive.

Everything I commission - whether it is for me or for a client's home or for a hotel or office - is absolutely unique to that job. I have everything made, or I find vintage and antique pieces at markets and auctions.

Antique things have an appreciation and worth. Something can be old, but it can be timeless; therefore, it becomes an antique. If this antique is preserved and deemed precious, it could be passed down as a family heirloom.

One of my favorite places I've visited is Havana, Cuba. On my way home from Costa Rica, I did a week in Havana. The colors, the music, the beautiful men and the cars! I love vintage and antique cars and own a couple myself.

A great city, whose image dwells in the memory of man, is the type of some great idea. Rome represents conquest; Faith hovers over the towers of Jerusalem; and Athens embodies the pre-eminent quality of the antique world, Art.

I decorated my house like a medieval gothic castle, European-style. Chandeliers and red velvet curtains. My bedroom is pink and black, my bathroom is totally Hello Kitty, I have a massive pink couch and a big antique gold cross.

Saturdays are set for antique shops. Williamsburg in Brooklyn has some good ones. I get in there and start meddling around with dusty boxes and rickety, worn-in stuff. I like it when I find something with someone else's name on it.

My buddy David Wells is a big motorcycle guy, so when I go visit him in San Diego, he takes me out on his bike. He's got some antique Indians. I never really rode during my career, because I was afraid I'd fall off and ruin my career.

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