Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down ...

Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.

I love to eat rajma chawal anytime.

I'll fight anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Anytime you look good, you feel good.

I would play with Guns n' Roses anytime.

I don't fight anybody anytime or anywhere.

Anytime anybody jumps out at me, I scream.

I'm an actress. I'm ready to work anytime.

Anytime is a good time to start a company.

I'm disappointed anytime I don't play well.

I run hills anytime I really have to think.

Anytime ISIS takes ground, it's a bad thing.

I can still steal a base anytime I get ready.

Anytime you got time to rest, it always helps.

I do see myself going to LA. Not anytime soon.

If I want to talk to Salman I can do it anytime.

I am not free because I can be exploded anytime.

Anytime basketball is involved, it's fun for me.

Anytime I don't have to wear a bra is a good day.

Anytime I can take a fight, I feel good doing it.

Anytime you're in fear for your life, it's intense.

I love to play with Tony and Bill anytime, anywhere.

Anytime I get down to Miami, it's a wonderful thing.

Anytime you have a child, it's one of your best days.

Anytime I get the chance to play ball, I get excited.

We can learn something new anytime we believe we can.

Anytime something eats too much of my life, I kill it.

Anytime you get a win in this league, it's a blessing.

Anytime I play another rookie, there's that extra edge.

Right now I'm happy to be on the ice anywhere, anytime.

Anytime someone is wearing Jordan, you have to respect!

Anytime you lose, nothing really matters except winning.

I feel equal parts lucky and scared anytime I get a job.

Anytime you get to play your brother, it's a lot of fun.

Anytime a curtain closes forever, that's always sad news.

Anytime people read my tweets, they hear it in Auto-Tune.

Anytime you play a finalist it's going to be a challenge.

An' this house just ain't no home, Anytime she goes away.

Anytime I think about my office, I think about creativity.

Anytime I get to come home and work, it is special for me.

Anytime anybody impersonates you, it's a great compliment.

Anytime I am around a male body part it is kind of exiting.

Anytime you are successful, I think that breeds confidence.

Anytime you get men in glitter, it's a flamboyant occasion!

Anytime Pump and I make a track together, it's always crazy.

Anytime the president visits Nebraska its good for Nebraska.

Anytime I had a date, it was at the Sadie Hawkins Day dance.

I don't want to be on 'Dancing With the Stars' anytime soon.

Anytime you do something from the heart, people just know it.

I can meditate anywhere, anytime, even whilst talking to you.

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