All I owe the world is my art.

I'm enamored with the art world.

The art world is filled with vibrancy.

The art world doesn't exist in a vacuum.

I don't really know about the art world.

I like that the art world isn't regulated.

I really believe that women run the art world.

I've been slagged off completely by the art world.

I'm very hard on the art world just being a big business.

The world of painting has nothing to do with the art world.

The art world seems so much bigger than it was when I was growing up.

Stealing things is a glorious occupations, particularly in the art world.

I love the art world, I love art galleries, I love what it means - I love art.

I know writers, and they seem to be the most disgruntled part of the art world.

The smart thing in the art world is to have one good idea and never have another.

I like the elitism of the art world. I think art for the people is a terrible idea.

It's very hard to find perfection in your life. But in the art world you can do that.

Contrary to popular opinion, things don't go stale particularly fast in the art world.

Many young artists, they look at the art world and think they can make a lot of money.

When the art world is done wrong, a reader's faith is lost and possibly not recuperable.

The art world was not initially really accepting my kind of work. I was ahead of my time.

Poor Georgia O'Keeffe. Death didn't soften the opinions of the art world toward her paintings.

The year 2006, when I came to Christie's, was a very euphoric time to be part of the art world.

I was interested in making work that physically changed as it circulated through the art world.

I just try to get away with as much as I can. I don't think that's very radical in the art world.

The art world is molting - some would say melting. Galleries are closing; museums are scaling back.

I'm the son of a doctor, and the key to working in the art world is to have boundaries of discretion.

The rule in the art world is: you cater to the masses or you kowtow to the elite; you can't have both.

Peggy Guggenheim is a real hero to have done what she did in a man's world, as the art world still is.

I wasn't in the art world at all as a kid; I was just creative, and we were always doing arts and crafts.

My dark little secret is that I don't actually believe many people in the art world have much feeling for art.

To be honest, I think, for me, the power is always with art. The art world clearly couldn't happen without art.

I literally have my hand in every aspect of the art world that you could imagine. That's what I've always done.

I was kind of freaked out by the art world in the 1980s. Just the money thing. All the competition over artists.

Artists complain about the art world until it starts rubbing their back, then they have their love affair with it.

MTV in general is involved with so many artists - musicians, actors, people in the fashion industry, and art world.

The art world has become the R&D department for so much fashion and music, so knock-offs are getting better and better.

I don't like a lot of the stuff that goes on in the art world, but it's hard to be old and like what goes on around you.

I made my living as an actor, and I love acting, so I'm an actor. But that gets you in a lot of trouble in the art world.

It's sort of a law of the art world: The stuff that grows in importance is only the stuff you bought because it wowed you.

What is the art world? I never really understood. I started doing this stuff to do what I want to do. Not to be this or that.

I need to be working with the art world in N.Y.C. as much as I need to be working in my studios in Chicago and rural Wisconsin.

To me, nothing in the art world is neutral. The idea of 'disinterest' strikes me as boring, dishonest, dubious, and uninteresting.

The most wonderful time to be in the art world was in the sixties, because it wasn't a business - there was no business of doing art.

The art world is a very prissy little thing over in the corner, while the major cultural forces are being determined by techno science.

Sometimes the art world can be a scary place, and you feel like you should know more than you do, but it's okay to not know everything!

The forties, seventies, and the nineties, when money was scarce, were great periods, when the art world retracted but it was also reborn.

What the art world has done, it has been constantly been pushing the boundaries about what art can be. It's like expanding its territory.

From 1940 to the present, the art world - and particularly Los Angeles - has undergone a transformation not unlike the Italian Renaissance.

I love to bring humour into my work. Because comedy is not a huge part of the art world. And big-business film takes itself very seriously.

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