I ate ants. They weren't that bad.

I ate bugs while I was in Thailand.

We lived, ate, and breathed pop songs.

When I was young, I ate Ho Hos every day.

He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.

I ate better in Liberia than I did in Ohio.

I once ate McDonald's three times in one day.

I ate a whole 20-inch pizza by myself one time.

I spoke in Tamil at home and ate dosa and idli.

When I grew up, I always ate Frosties Kelloggs.

Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world.

My mother is a nutritionist, so we always ate well.

I never ate of the grapes nor feared of the eruptions.

A lot of money could be saved if we ate urban wildlife.

I used to make my own food and ate on my own in my room.

Kubrick ate it up. He loved it. He just let me go crazy.

I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.

No more turkey, but I'd like some more of the bread it ate.

If we grew it, we ate it. If Daddy shot it, Mamma cooked it.

I had a hard time with bullying. I ate lunch in the bathroom.

Charles Manson ate apples. That doesn't mean I'm not going to.

I think I ate at the John Hancock building - I loved the view.

The way that I grew up, we ate very whole, real, natural foods.

I used to not watch what I ate. I would just kind of eat whatever.

I've never been one that was on a diet, because I always ate well.

Prohibition didn't work in the Garden of Eden. Adam ate the apple.

I can remember what I ate in the most important moments in my life.

Before Birdseye, hardly anybody ate frozen food because it was awful.

In my 20s, I mostly ate burritos and nachos, with the occasional burger.

I wrote, exercised, ate healthy, and responded to life in prison very well.

We really lived, ate, drank and slept Batman - ideas, characters and stories.

I once ate nothing but grapefruit for an entire month. I didn't lose a pound.

My mom and dad are great cooks. We ate meals at the dinner table, as a family.

I was a mindless eater. I ate for comfort. I also ate out of boredom and habit.

I didn't grow up eating no vegetables. I ate at fast food restaurants every day.

It's been said that, while growing up, I ate meals with my skates on. It's true.

I learned to cook from my mom. Most of what I ate growing up was Italian cooking.

I never got to go to prom. I never went to regular school. I ate lunch by myself.

We grew up in a farming family, so I always ate non-processed food and fresh produce.

I want to know what people thought and what they wore and what they ate for breakfast.

Last night I dreamt I ate a ten pound marshmallow. When I woke up the pillow was gone.

I was raised by vegan parents, and we ate out of my backyard garden for my whole life.

It was funny, when I got to Australia to The Presidents Cup, I ate about 6,000 calories.

It was an away game, I think in Poland. I ate some chicken and had really bad salmonella.

When I was a kid growing up, I ate my vitamins, worked out because Hulk Hogan told me to.

The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.

I read that book 'Fat is a Feminist Issue', got a bit desperate halfway through and ate it.

During Wimbledon, I ate only rice and pineapple. My coach cooked for me. He made sweet rice.

I don't know what would happen to me if I ate a bacon sandwich, but I'm just not interested.

My mother made wonderful cheesecake. She loved cheesecake. She ate it every day of her life.

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