I had a breakdown after making 'Atonement.'

'Atonement' is one of my all-time favourite movies.

Find you, love you, marry you, and live without shame.

Allow Christ's Atonement to change and heal your heart.

What atonement is there for blood spilt upon the earth?

The beginning of atonement is the sense of its necessity.

The Atonement is our singular hope for a meaningful life.

The Savior's atonement...is intimate as well as infinite.

We cannot go back in time and change the past but we can repent.

And the commencement of atonement is the sense of its necessity.

The atonement of Jesus Christ is the only remedy and rest for my soul.

The extent of the atonement is defined by the intent of the atonement.

If you feel guilty or quietly ashamed, seek the power of the Atonement.

Accept suffering and achieve atonement through it — that is what you must do.

God judges us on the basis of the miraculous atonement by the Cross of Christ.

I was known for a while for doing very long takes, especially after Atonement.

The miracle of the Atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance.

The infinite Atonement is for both the sinner and for the saint in each of us.

When you understand the Atonement, then you understand the joy of being rescued.

I do not believe in an atonement which is admirably wide, but fatally ineffectual.

Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all will be made right in the Lord's timing.

Because of the Saviors Atonement, repentance is a beautiful word and a marvelous refuge.

On the Day of Atonement, Jews are commanded to seek forgiveness from the people we have hurt.

It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines.

The principle question before us is not, do we comprehend the atonement, but, do we accept it.

The atonement of Christ is not just for those who sin. The mercy of Christ encompasses all pain.

It is by virtue of the atonement that God can maintain His justice and yet demonstrate His mercy.

The term ‘reconciliation’ describes the atonement as springing from the initiative of God Himself.

God's wrath was not just withdrawn. It was spent. Full atonement can it be? Hallelujah, what a Savior!

The atonement was an intimate, personal experience in which Jesus came to know how to help each of us.

Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will provide strength and capacity needed for a successful life.

How can a novelist achieve atonement when, with her absolute power of deciding outcomes, she is also God?

Use the Day of Atonement not to pray for the dead but to act for the living, to rescue those about to die.

It wasn't a potential atonement actuated by the sinner, it was an actual atonement initiated by the savior.

The Savior accomplished the Atonement, which resolves the most terrible burdens that can occur in this life.

But the witness of the substitutionary atonement of Jesus is that God's most difficult promise has been kept.

The whole essence of the Christian religion is based on the atonement of Christ, his death and his resurrection.

Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can learn from our experience without being condemned by our experience.

My belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ and the testimony I have of the Savior and His atonement [is my personal shelter].

Every true, eternal problem is an equally true, eternal fault; every answer an atonement, every realisation an improvement.

Nothing erases the past. There is repentance, there is atonement, and there is forgiveness. That is all, but that is enough.

I rest solely in His righteousness and in His atonement because I know there is nothing I can do to make up for my own iniquity.

Perhaps no more beautiful passages have ever been written about the Savior's atonement and crucifixion than those written by Isaiah.

With 'Atonement,' I put a lot of pressure on myself, and then I made an advert for Chanel, which 'broke the camel's back' emotionally.

The enabling power of the Atonement strengthens us to do and be good and to serve beyond our own individual desire and natural capacity.

Rationalization for bad choices will not be effective, but repentance will. Those who repent will be particularly blessed by the Atonement.

Our responsibility is to learn to draw upon the power of the Atonement. Otherwise, we walk through mortality relying solely on our own strength.

The full benefit of forgiveness of sin through the Savior's Atonement begins with repentance and baptism and then expands upon receiving the Holy Ghost.

You can't get real happy or real depressed when you play baseball. Baseball is a great sport in that it offers a player a lot of opportunities for atonement.

Just as chalk can be removed from a chalkboard, with sincere repentance, the effects of our transgression can be erased through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

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