Austin Pettis can make plays.

I always love to come to Austin.

I went to film school at UT Austin.

I've done my part to 'ruin' Austin.

Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your @$$!

I like it here in Austin. Anybody got a room?

You can't live in Austin and escape the music.

Become a champion like Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Sentences are not as such either true or false.

It was me, Austin. It was me all along, Austin!

Steve Austin will never be employee of the month!

Does anybody have, a cold beer for Steve Austin?!??!!?

Austin Trout is just a name to me. He beat Cotto, so what?

There's so much music in Austin, and it's all so different.

I am lucky to live in Austin, so I can enjoy the live music.

People don't live in Austin to work, they work to live there.

The Austin music scene is the reason why so many of them moved here.

D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Austin... and you. I'll be there soon.

I grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.

Me being able to beat up Austin Powers? I mean, how great can that be?

There's a freedom you begin to feel the closer you get to Austin, Texas.

If you have any sense, if you're any good at comedy, you come to Austin.

I'm going to keep on going, day in and day out, be the same Tavon Austin.

You have more issues than National Geographic by Austin LeFleur in Hissy Fit

I would love to do something like Austin Powers to show off my comic timing.

That boy-next-door, love interest crush has been my niche since 'Austin & Ally.'

My biggest moment was me beating Stone Cold Steve Austin to win the championship.

I always say I'll never make a film in Austin in summer, but I always end up here.

Any '90s baby, The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin had to be your favorite wrestler.

Austin is great but it's just not home for us. L.A. is definitely where we want to be.

I played with a band in Austin when I was doing 'Friday Night Lights.' It was a blast.

I love Austin for vintage shopping, and there are some really good places in L.A., too.

Dallas Austin... where do I begin? I adore him - he is one of the kindest people I know.

I don't want to be nostalgic for some kind of laid-back Austin where nothing was happening.

I can say confidently that I don't think Austin Corbett is going to play tackle in the NFL.

When you see me on TV as Stone Cold Steve Austin, that's definitely a part of my personality.

Austin sounds a little bit like Aston Martin, which is the type of car James Bond would drive.

You can talk about your Psalms and your John 3:16. Well, Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your *ss.

Of all the places I've ever been, Austin is the only place that has felt like home. I fit in here.

When we got with Dallas Austin, he was just getting on. He was kinda like the fourth member of TLC.

I assaulted Stone Cold Steve Austin and got away with it! It was indeed a very special night for me.

I just take it one day at a time. Austin Powers has given me a lot of opportunities as far as my career.

I remember, when I saw the first 'Austin Powers' movie, I was blown away by how fun and original it was.

In cities like New York and Austin, there's much more of a social context for music than in other places.

Austin is home in a lot of ways. Both my kids were born here, and my wife's side of the family lives here.

I was brought up in a car family, my dad loved cars and I was taught the art of making an Austin 7 operate.

What did I know about lawyering? I just thought it was another way to stay in Austin for another three years.

Austin's a great wrestling town. There's a lot of WWE fans when we get there, and they're always really loud.

Austin is such a free and creative place, but I can't enjoy it as much because everyone I love is back in L.A.

I've been Austin almost half my life. In almost every public setting, that's why I'm there - to be Austin Aries.

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