In the end, you will always kneel.

'The Avengers' was a great movie. I love that movie.

'X-Men' or 'Avengers!' I want to be a mutant or an Avenger.

I love the Avengers movies and Iron Man and Captain America.

On 'The Avengers,' I've been working closely with Mark Ruffalo.

Captain America and the Avengers were my favorite characters as a kid.

I'm a huge fan of 'The Avengers,' but 'Black Panther' was so special to me.

'Avengers' was a great comic-book movie. 'The Dark Knight Rises' is a great epic.

I would love to play a superhero. I wish I could be in 'The Avengers,' kicking butt.

'The Avengers' made it more believable that I could have been a major in the U.S. Army.

I'm a really big Marvel person. I like Marvel. I am a big fan of the Avengers and Iron Man.

I want to be a part of 'Avengers'; they can make me the Hulk! I want to do a superhero film.

No More Avengers! There's nothing new to get out of it - I want to go forward, not backward.

I enjoyed 'The Avengers.' I couldn't do that kind of movie though. Superheroes aren't my deal.

'Avengers 3' has a beginning, middle, and a very definitive end, and 'Avengers 4' does the same.

I think we can fairly conclude that writer-director Joss Whedon didn't make 'The Avengers' for me.

The best stories, the most-fun 'Avengers' stories, explore the relationships between the characters.

Getting a movie made is a miracle... because the studios are only interested in making 'The Avengers.'

I like the Hulk from 'Avengers.' Most people like Iron Man, but I like how the Hulk smashes everything.

I think we all remember Emma Peel from 'The Avengers,' the feminist icon that she was in the late '60s.

Now because he saved the day they're making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out.

I think it would be cool if Hugh Jackman showed up in 'Avengers: Infinity War,' even if just for a tryout.

To my mind, a mix of veterans and rookies is number one on the list of 'things that make a good Avengers team.'

DC are playing catch up with Marvel because of things like 'The Avengers' breaking six hundred million domestic.

I watch comic book movies. Give me 'The Avengers,' give me 'Thor', those are my area. But I don't watch comedies.

Linda Thorson was a great actress with a great body, but she arrived just as 'The Avengers' was losing its appeal.

It was always the intent, in a larger arc, to split the Avengers up before the greatest threat that they've ever seen.

I never thought I would be Spider-Man in an 'Avengers' movie, but it's such a surreal experience, dude. It's so crazy.

I think 'The Avengers' is a Black Widow movie. She saves the day. And if you take her out, the plot does not function.

'The Avengers' is exciting on the level 'The Matrix' or 'Indiana Jones' was when I was kid. I think it will be timeless.

Just to be involved in anything Disney, whether it's 'Avengers Assemble' or 'Planes' or straight-to-dvd work, it's great.

I think of the Avengers as The Beatles, and the Guardians are the Rolling Stones. That is really how I feel about the groups.

I think the first thing that I saw on IMAX was 'The Avengers.' The scope and the size of it are pretty neat, I will say that.

I'd love to see T'he Avengers' with Robert Downey, Jr. playing Loki and Clark Gregg playing 'Thor' and I play Captain America.

They call it The New Avengers but it's really the old Avengers with new people except for me, looking rather fat and rather old.

A lot of people who saw 'The Avengers' didn't read comic books, don't like comic book movies, and enjoyed it. That was huge for me.

'Avengers' was crazy because you're on set every day with actors I never dreamed I would work with. I'm as much a fan as anyone else.

If I could make Panther tough, mysterious, wily, and often at odds with his 'Avengers' comrades, that was a character I'd find interesting.

Nothing makes a girl feel more special than being adorned with some lovely Didier Dubot jewelry for the 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' premiere.

'The Avengers' happened because I'm friends with Joss Whedon, and he sort of brought me into the mix when they were looking for Maria Hill.

'The Dark Knight Rises' does not beat 'The Avengers. ' The reason? It is a totally different kind of movie - to compare them is an empty exercise.

Something like 'Much Ado' happens, and even 'Avengers' happens because of the years of building connections and doing the work and proving yourself.

I remember watching 'Avengers 1' for the first time and thinking, 'God, one day I want to be in one of those movies.' I just want to be in the movie.

There would be no Marvel without 'Swingers'; there would be no Jon Favreau directing 'Iron Man,' no Robert Downey Jr. playing Iron Man; no 'Avengers.'

Between 'Avengers,' 'JLA/Avengers,' and 'Trinity,' I've gotten down and dirty in the big universes and had a hell of a time playing in those sandboxes.

I always wanted to see why Captain America was on this team of Avengers. He's got to have a reason - he can't just be really fast and punch really hard.

My deal with Marvel is I have a consulting deal with them as well as a contract to make 'Avengers.' That means I'll read all the scripts, I'll look at cuts.

Do you know, I have no idea how I got 'The Avengers'? I'd left the Royal Shakespeare Company, and I was one of a long list of girls, and got it on my audition.

I've been in 'Avengers' films, but I don't do a lot of the action parts. There are superheroes in the movie! People would much rather see them fight each other!

I'd been a Bond girl and in Dracula films and 'Coronation Street,' but I was always hunting for work. After 'The New Avengers,' I never had to wait for work again.

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