I love the beach.

I became a beach bum.

I'm a total beach bum.

I'm not a beach person.

I really love the beach.

I like Beach House a lot.

Crank up the Beach Boys, Baby.

Every drop in the ocean counts.

Smell the sea and feel the sky.

I don't really go to the beach.

You can never have too much sky.

The sea lives in every one of us.

You can never have too much money.

The sea hath no king but God alone.

I run on the beach, surf, and bike.

On the beach, you can live in bliss.

Pebble Beach is Alcatraz with grass.

You can never have too much, butter.

I'm taking my talents to South Beach.

Of course The Beach Boys will be camp.

Miami Beach is where neon goes to die.

I just want an intimate beach wedding.

I love the beach, and I love sunshine.

Who doesn't want that salty beach hair?

I love to go to Aksa Beach at midnight.

I live on the beach, and I always will.

My life is like a stroll upon the beach.

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.

I'll be on a beach somewhere when I'm 40.

I only wear SPF if I'm going to the beach.

I'm a California kid, so I love the beach.

I used to go to the beach everyday in Rio!

I prefer to go to the beach in the summer!

I've never been one for sitting on beaches.

Manchester's got everything except a beach.

Why see the world / when you got the beach?

I'm going to take my talents to South Beach.

Long Beach is the best. I tell everyone that.

Love the sea? I dote upon it--from the beach.

You'll never find your gold on a sandy beach.

Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life.

Life is a beach, and these hoes try'na lay out

The beach has always been a constant in my life.

New York is like a vacation - no beach required.

New York is like a vacation - no beach required.

The sun shines everywhere, not just at the beach.

Huntington Beach is like ground zero for surfers.

If you are squeamish Don't prod the beach rubble.

Life is like a beach chair when you can afford one

On the beach, I take my clothes off under a towel.

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