As you get older, you develop your style. For me, the simpler, the better.

A woman said to me, 'You're better than your successor.' She then said she's lived under 10 prime ministers, and each was worse than the last. That put me in my place.

To me, a Harris Tweed jacket is the kind of thing you should be able to have in your closet years from now - possibly it was your father's jacket or, even better, your grandfather's jacket.

Writing is a very strenuous thing - it's like banging your head against a wall. At the end of the day, acting is better, just because nobody ever asked me if I wanted a Pellegrino in the writer's room.

Someone asked me what part of the body is the most important to be strong - it's the big toe. The big toe especially, and the inner front-third of your feet, are what give you balance and will make you infinitely better at any sport, any physical activity and, as you get older, will keep you from falling.

My father would never have said about any of his children you shouldn't express your opinions. But it's the way in which you express them. And for me to do - to speak at demonstrations and be as strident as I was now I see wasn't right. And it - there was a better way to do it. I could have written articles.

Sleep is all about recovering. So if you're not sleeping, you're not recovering. And if you're going to break your body down a lot, you better find ways to build it back up. And the only way to do that is get a lot of sleep. So for me, I go to bed at like 8:30, 9:00. As soon as I put my kids to bed. Because I'm up at 5:30 the next day.

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