If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the ...

If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your ...

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

You have to develop a very thick skin.

I like to take a character and develop it.

Other species help children develop empathy.

The best thing we can do is develop our own.

My ambition is only to develop Andhra Pradesh.

I could develop a picture by the time I was 12.

If you develop rules, never have more than ten.

The best relationships develop out of friendships.

You have to develop your whole game to completion.

Bands develop their own weird ways of doing things.

My definition of modernism took a while to develop.

Our trials, our sorrows, and our grieves develop us.

I always used to develop a cold going into the studio.

I like to do things that I develop from the ground up.

I just want to develop and be the best player I can be.

A boxer must exercise and develop every part of his body.

I have seen the Raiders develop into what they are today.

My parents have ensured that we never develop starry airs.

It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.

A family can develop only with a loving woman as its center.

When it comes to cooking, it's a skill you learn and develop.

I think if I try to develop a formula, it ends up not working.

Once you get older, you can always develop the skill to shoot.

Bit parts in Mediocre TV shows won't develop your acting chops.

I think that civil rights issues take a lot of time to develop.

No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated.

You must develop personal contacts if you want to be successful.

Campaign staffers develop the ability to sleep through anything.

People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.

You develop a sympathy for all human beings when you travel a lot.

I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply-side economics.

Football develops, it becomes quicker, players develop as athletes.

Shooting is a skill you can develop. It's repetition and confidence.

Our aim is to develop affectionate robots that can make people smile.

It used to be that Nashville would work to develop promising artists.

That's really the challenge of this century, to develop spokespeople.

It's not too late to develop new friendships or reconnect with people.

Well Microsoft really does develop some really interesting technology.

The sport in Scouting is to find the good in every boy and develop it.

God gave me a talent to draw. I 'owed' it to him to develop the talent.

It's a great thing that the NBA has done in Africa to develop the game.

Solving wits and puzzles, in a way, helps to develop wit and ingenuity.

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

If you become president, you're guaranteed to develop some nervous habit.

All religions develop, become exclusive, become divisive and quarrelsome.

Hopefully, as a band, it will grow and develop for a good length of time.

It's strategic for us - lots of people will develop applications in .NET.

Once you develop a comfort level with someone, that translates on camera.

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