I like Bill Clinton.

Yes, Bill Clinton is a big flirt.

I'm a Bill Clinton social Republican.

Bill Clinton is not my commander-in-chief.

The Republicans learned well from Bill Clinton.

The first time I met Bill Clinton was actually 1988.

Bill Clinton was relentless, eloquent and truly charming.

There's no smarter politician out there than Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton left office with a more than 60% approval rating.

I had a situation where Bill Clinton sent the F.B.I. after me.

When Bill Clinton was in town, he sent over a balanced budget.

Bill Clinton is the greatest president of my lifetime. Period.

Bill Clinton is a moderate Democrat. I'm a democratic socialist.

Bill Clinton is a classic, old-school Southern pragmatic Democrat.

I met Bill Clinton; he's a very nice guy. Yeah, Bill Clinton's cool.

Is Bill Clinton so good at politics, or are other politicians so bad?

Nobody has ever gotten a bigger push than Bill Clinton gave to Obama.

Playing Bill Clinton is really, probably, the scariest time of my career.

Bill Clinton has done more to help the middle class than any leader in decades.

Bill Clinton was a liberal who could appeal to conservative-leaning Bubba voters.

I had a very good relationship with President Bill Clinton when I was prime minister.

Some people think that welfare reform should have hurt Bill Clinton with black voters.

The Right has been trying to take down Bill Clinton for 20 years. I know; I was there.

Don't forget to vote for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Stay home if you're voting for Dole.

I'm hearing echoes of Bill Clinton, circa 1996, in President Obama's reelection rhetoric.

When my brother-in-law, BIll Clinton, was elected, he had gay friends. That was a coming out.

My dad wasn't the best speaker like a Bill Clinton, or a Henry Kissinger, but he had character.

What would McCarthy, what would Nixon, what would Bill Clinton have done if they'd had Twitter?

In 1996, Bill Clinton declared the era of big government over in the State of the Union address.

I'm pretty sure it was President Bill Clinton who brought me back into politics and following it.

Richard Nixon was a criminally insane Monster - Bill Clinton is a black-hearted Swine of a friend.

I've met a handful of presidents, from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton to George Bush to Barack Obama.

Bill Clinton is the greatest president of the 20th century because I played touch football with him.

Obama is not Bill Clinton. I don't think he's willing to let conservatives have any victories at all.

I'd love to interview Hillary and Bill Clinton together and ask them about their dynamic partnership.

Newt Gingrich wrote a novel, and he's a short story. Bill Clinton wrote a biography, and he's a novel.

Let me just be very clear that the Republican Party will select a nominee that will beat Bill Clinton.

Did you see the statue topple? Bill Clinton got nostalgic seeing something that big in a beret go down.

I didn't eat for two days when Bill Clinton won, but after Obama's election, I was genuinely depressed.

I can't do anything too serious like Saddam Hussein, but I would like to do Bill Clinton. That'd be fun.

Arkansas, the state Bill Clinton loves and that loves him back, is a place with just no pretension at all.

If there's anybody who is recognized as the one guy who has stymied Alaskan development, it's Bill Clinton.

I love Bill Clinton. I think we should make him king. I'm talking the red robe, the turkey leg - everything.

I've met Bill Clinton, Obama a couple of times... I certainly didn't meet George Bush, and wouldn't want to.

Bill Clinton, who packs his own star power, has been a big draw as well as a big drag on his wife's campaign.

Bill Clinton told me that when he was 14, he shook John Kennedy's hand, and that inspired him to be president.

Bill Clinton strikes me as the kind of guy who goes wherever the polls lead him, rather than leading the polls.

I was always fascinated by politics, and I did not like the direction the country was going under Bill Clinton.

When you start hanging out with Jennifer Lopez and Bill Clinton, you can't expect to remain an everyday person.

Bill Clinton had to propose to Hillary Rodham several times before she agreed to marry him and move to Arkansas.

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