Blue eyes wash off sometimes.

I'm fortunate to have blue eyes!

My blue eyes are my best feature.

You could drown a kitten in her blue eyes.

You like blue eyes, huh?" "Yes. I do. I like blue eyes.

Bugsy Siegel. The mobster with the beautiful blue eyes.

I don't like labels, but I do have blue eyes and I'm soulful, so what am I going to do?

Tall, sandy blonde, with sort of blue eyes, skinny in places, fat in others. An average gal.

I have blonde hair and blue eyes, and whenever I tell people I'm Greek, they don't believe me.

I just am a Canadian. It is not a thing which you can escape from. It is like having blue eyes

They are gorgeous. They have beautiful blue eyes and lovely dark hair - that's the typical Irish.

When people are infected by my charm, they don't see my size. My piercing deep blue eyes are distracting.

I did one show in Chennai. There was this little kid, dressed up as I dressed in 'Blue Eyes.' That's fame for me.

Human beings should stick together. Honestly, if I see a red-haired person with blue eyes now, I say, 'Is your granny black?'

Not everyone relates to being a blond girl with blue eyes and is proportioned so she could barely walk if she was a real person.

I wanted to be like my friends. I hung out with girls who had blue eyes and blond hair and I thought, 'I want to look like them!'

My big sister Melissa, is such a stud and my little sister Suzanna, has always had a perfect body and big blue eyes. We were a force.

It's something that's always been there for me, that I have huge blue eyes - it's been something that people have always talked about.

I don't know what my appeal is. I can see I've got blue eyes and don't look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame but I can't understand the fuss.

I could be completely mad and sound like David Icke, but I just find people with blue eyes colder, less passionate, and more calculated people.

I used to have this little punk pop band, and I don't know why we did 'Behind Blue Eyes,' because it's not punk pop. But we did, it was our slow jam.

Eisenhower had the clearest blue eyes. He would fix them on you. In my every interview with him, he would lock his eyes on to mine and keep them there.

In this watering-place I acted an heroic character, badly studied; and being a novice on such a stage, I forgot my part before a pair of lovely blue eyes.

I have blue eyes, and before I knew anything about fashion - I'm talking about the second grade - I learned I would get a compliment if I wore a blue shirt.

That's the really neat thing about Dan Quayle, as you must have realized from the first moment you looked into those lovely blue eyes: impeachment insurance.

I was raised Catholic, and I remember in all the pamphlets and pictures we'd look at, Jesus was basically blonde with blue eyes. He kind of looked like Jared Leto.

The first time Stuart Broad walked into the dressing room, with his flowing blond hair, striking blue eyes and perfect figure, I thought: 'My God, she's beautiful.'

My dad has blond hair, my grandmother has blue eyes. My daughter has blue eyes and blond hair. So it is pretty funny to me that I'm so heavily identified as an Asian person.

I always felt different and it was because I was Middle Eastern. Where most people were very fair, light-skinned, and had blue eyes, I was hairy with dark hair and dark skin.

I can't stress how much my daughter is an inspiration to stay sober. When I come home and she opens those big blue eyes at me, it's the most amazing feeling I could ever feel.

There are places you go, and they say, 'Take off your dark glasses so we can see your beautiful blue eyes.' And you just want to... you just want to... I dunno, um... thump them.

There was a point - when I was a kid - where I said I wanted to be like Luke Skywalker, with blond hair and blue eyes. My mom right there told me to never be ashamed of who I am.

And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human.

I always worked mostly in Quebec. I never thought of the States, somehow. I don't know - I don't have blue eyes or blond hair. I thought I didn't fit with the stereotype of America.

All my songs depict a slice of life and how youngsters perceive it. My song 'Blue Eyes' is exactly the kind of conversation a 21 or 22-year-old guy will have with the girl he likes.

My grandfather was extremely dark and from Puerto Rico, but his brother had blond hair and blue eyes. There are so many different shades, and I think Hollywood has yet to realize that.

I was a blond-haired kid with blue eyes, growing up in an Italian ghetto. I had a very high IQ. In elementary school, I skipped ahead twice. I was 10 years old when everyone else was 12.

I find, a lot of the time, kids can get stuck on, 'Oh no, he doesn't have blue eyes,' with books. You're kind of like, 'Well, that you're going to get over by the time the movie comes out.'

Her blue eyes were still beautiful, but they did not know what was before them, and Mary herself could never look through them again to tell Laura what she was thinking without saying a word.

Any film featuring Bradley Cooper's gorgeous blue eyes is automatically on my must-see list and they did not disappoint in 'The Words,' which is so intense and confusing that I was pretty lost by the end!

I grew up in a predominantly Caucasian community, and most of my friends had blonde hair and blue eyes. So I was always straightening my hair, wearing colored contacts, and I never tanned, if I could help it.

Western beauty is considered the dominant beauty in the world. Tall, blond, blue eyes. I always felt a little self-conscious because I wanted to be more Caucasian. I tried to get bigger eyes... I would dress preppy.

Roja Dove - who, at 58, is a stock-straight six feet and handsome with lantern jaw, blue eyes, and impeccably combed silvering hair on the sides of an otherwise tanned bald head - may possess the finest nose in the world.

Even with seemingly simple things like eye color, you can't tell from my genetic code whether I have blue eyes or not. So it's naive to think that complex human behaviors, like risk-seeking, are driven by changes in one or two genes.

The emphasis in 'Notting Hill' was perhaps, I thought, slightly more on the romance than on the comedy. But I think 'Mickey Blue Eyes' is maybe slightly more on the comedy. And the tone on 'Mickey Blue Eyes,' it's a far sillier film.

'Notting Hill?' Does that poke fun at being British? Maybe it does. In 'Mickey Blue Eyes,' that's kind of the point: the clash of worlds, the unlikely combo of a respectable Englishman and a mob guy. If you take out the Britishness, you don't really have much.

At the age of seven, I wanted a doll with blonde hair and blue eyes like other girls in my class. But my father gave me a black doll and said 'black is beautiful.' Telling this to a seven-year-old was quite peculiar, but these were the values we inherited from him.

I started hormone therapy illegally and I thought I looked good enough for my family to accept. I was wrong. It was a disaster. My sister ran screaming calling me the demon with blue eyes. Using her Christianity as the base for her insight into seeing me as a demon.

In France, successive waves of Gaul, Visigoth, and Frank have swept over the land and have dominated it. But the fair hair and blue eyes and the clear skin of the conquering races have been submerged by the rising and overflow of the dusky blood of the original population.

I started to take care of my body after I turned 50. I never liked how I looked physically because I was too cute, short, with coloring only on my cheeks, the perfect little nose, and then the blue eyes. I was a hit with girls, who told me it was like I was in Technicolor.

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