I've never liked bosses telling me what to do.

No man bosses me around, and no man ever will.

You always learn from both good and bad bosses.

You want to be respected by your bosses and peers.

'Bossy' is someone who bosses people around without reason.

I have always liked to have face-to-face talks with my bosses.

It's hard to have fun with your friends with your bosses around.

I find in most circumstances, people leave bosses, not companies.

Everywhere in life, everywhere in the world, there has to be bosses.

I'm not the last of the old bosses. I'm the first of the new leaders.

My work is a love for me; I'd do it for free, but don't tell my bosses.

Many chiefs of staff are close, very close, to their bosses on Capitol Hill.

Rotten bosses don't get better. Any strategy that assumes they can is doomed.

The government union bosses are the most powerful politicians in Springfield.

At this point, American workers are pretty respectful of the bosses they loathe.

Every man, they say, 'oh my wife is my boss.' So why can't they be bosses at work?

The President has only 190 million bosses. The Vice President has 190 million and one.

We need people who can actually do things. We have too many bosses and too few workers.

Bosses will tell you they are looking for something different but they're not, actually.

I promised to empower the taxpayer - instead of a handful of big government union bosses.

There are lots of comic bosses and fathers in sitcoms, but the comic landlord remains rare.

To restore our public schools, we must put an end to the selfish agenda of the union bosses.

I don't want to be one of those bosses... taking credit for phenomena that are out of my control.

Companies used to be able to function with autocratic bosses. We don't live in that world anymore.

My previous bosses - Louis van Gaal and Marcello Lippi, to name two - have all taught me something.

When I'm on a picture, I have two bosses - the director and the producer. My co-star is not my boss.

Some bosses believe they can't afford to employ someone legitimately - so they employ them illegally.

Whoever your boss is, or your bosses are, they have 20 percent of their job that they just don't like.

It's absurd: half the movie audience are women, but Hollywood bosses are still aiming for men who are 20.

With power comes the abuse of power. And where there are bosses, there are crazy bosses. It's nothing new.

You can't cancel my stand-up tours. It's impossible. There's too many separate bosses. There is no 'bosses.'

What I try to keep an eye on is I don't work for the party bosses in Washington. I work for 26 million Texans.

I have never had an unsupportive female boss. I've had several female bosses. They've all been super supportive.

My problem with public sector union leaders, the bosses, has been they stood in the way of protecting the taxpayer.

I had several different bosses during the early years of 'Dilbert.' They were all pretty sure I was mocking someone else.

Having the support from everyone, the bosses, whoever within the team, definitely makes it much easier for me as a driver.

My wife is the boss at home, and my daughters are the bosses. I am just the worker. We are a very warm family and very happy.

I go to work every day with two missions. Two! No. 1: how can I make my bosses more money? And No. 2: how can I get some of it?

The difficult bosses - the ones that have been hard for me to work for - have been the ones where I never knew what success meant.

Twitter is so short, it's safe. I don't want my bosses to be like, 'Hey, your script is due and we saw you wrote four blog pages.'

If we accept the rule of those who think they are the bosses and lords of Mexico, nothing will change for the people on the bottom.

We are in a movement that must not fade away. The bosses are you. The people in Washington are public servants, and they serve you.

The Spectator' has to be managed and people have to report. We all have bosses in this world and that's true of 'The Spectator' too.

It does not matter whether I am in Hong Kong or Sao Paolo - people always want to talk about toxic bosses and what to do about them.

I have huge respect for whistle-blowers, people who stand up against their bosses and losing their careers, just for truth and justice.

Privateers, military contractors - these aren't pirates. They have bosses. Real pirates are sellswords on missions of their own making.

Bosses are the ones calling the shots, as they should in any organization. And if you think you're above your boss, that's not reality.

Vice presidents are supposed to be eternally loyal, which is why it is so difficult for some to figure out how to succeed their bosses.

Teacher unions are an interest group that acts in defense of their own interests, which means the union bosses' interests, not the members.

I've been the beneficiary of very good timing and some forward-thinking bosses who were willing to put women in places they hadn't yet been.

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