Kids are pretty brutal.

Acting is kind of brutal.

Our century is a brutal thinker.

The restaurant industry is brutal.

Embrace nature's brutal perfection.

War is brutal, barbaric and bloody.

Capitalism is a pretty brutal place.

Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator.

People are brutal. Just to each other.

It's brutal out on the football field.

What was more brutal than loss of hope?

Comedy is brutal. It's powerful, though.

It's a pretty brutal process, having a baby.

I found out I really love brutal fight scenes.

Some cops I don't like - the corrupt, the brutal.

This sport is brutal. This sport is a hard sport.

Few things are as psychologically brutal as chess.

Juilliard. It was a brutal and beautiful experience.

I know how hard it is to come back from a brutal KO.

We forget how bawdy and brutal the Middle Ages were.

Outing is brutal and it should be reserved for brutes

LA is the loneliest and most brutal of American cities.

We are the most brutal with the people we love the most.

Kicks to the legs, they're not very cool. They're brutal.

Before verse can be human again it must learn to be brutal.

Comedy can be a little brutal, but not in a satisfying way.

It was violent, it was brutal, and it got down right uglyyy!

Russia is tough. The history, the land, the people - brutal.

People who are vigorous and brutal often find war enjoyable.

Life was brutal and it made victims of everyone.’ (Nykyrian)

When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough.

I'm the most brutal and ruthless conquerer there has ever been.

Brutal men with unlimited power are the same all over the world.

I'm a strict materialist - but the police are brutal materialists.

I worry about my grandchildren because the Internet can be brutal.

The truth is that the music business is mean and honest and brutal.

There is no opposing brutal force to the stratagems of human reason.

Technology is making gestures precise and brutal, and with them men.

Self-deprecating humor and brutal honesty is a really freeing thing.

Profaneness is a brutal vice. He who indulges in it is no gentleman.

I played team handball when I was a child. It is a very brutal sport.

I always think stand-up is the most brutal environment for a comedian.

We are territorial, power-hungry and even more brutal than chimpanzees.

It is hard to speak of sex without being clinical, brutal, or romantic.

I am not, and never was, and never could have been, a brutal scoundrel.

If you look at children's stories in fairy tales, they're pretty brutal.

No doubt boxing's brutal beauty lies in the eye of the rooting beholder.

World War II was just as dirty and brutal as Vietnam, just as confusing.

ICE has only become increasingly militarized, brutal, and unaccountable.

Photography is 90% sheer, brutal drudgery! The other 10% is inspiration!!

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