I love candles.

I'm obsessed with candles.

When all candles be out, all cats be grey.

I love candles and creating a homely space.

I love prayer candles, and I use them often.

I have always had an obsession with candles.

I just love candles... the colour, the glow, the light.

Yes, I'm the crazy person who totally travels with candles.

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.

I start lighting pine-scented candles the day after Halloween.

I have way too many candles. There's always a candle burning at home.

You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.

Some candles are $40, and you burn them for two days and they're done.

I have a candle permanently on my Jacuzzi because I love me some candles.

I see candles as varied things. They give a warm glow, and fire purifies.

People who light up like Roman candles come down in the dark very quickly.

Now you know those trick candles that you blow out and a couple of seconds.

I have candles, pictures and flowers on my nightstand... and of course a lamp!

I like candles. It helps cover up for the fact that I have four male roommates.

In the evening I love lighting all my candles. It creates such a beautiful ambiance.

Most evenings I'll light a few candles, get snuggled on the sofa, and read a magazine.

I bring incense, essential oils, and candles to make my hotel room feel more like home.

I did candles because I wanted a candle to put in my home. I couldn't find one I liked.

The manufacture of wax candles was another important branch of business in the nunnery.

I love Hanukkah because it's so weird. You just sit there and light candles and say spells.

I am not at all a romantic person, I hate flowers and candles... rather find it irritating.

I'll put candles all over the room, then light then, and get to it. I call it my 'vibe in a bag.'

I always pamper myself with scented candles. They make the room look beautiful and me feel pretty.

I mean, even my dressing room at the studio has candles and cushions and cashmere rugs and things.

How gently rock yon poplars high Against the reach of primrose sky With heaven's pale candles stored.

Rearranging furniture, adding some candles, or making even small tweaks can really make the difference.

But 'Sixteen Candles' is the only movie I could watch over and over and over without getting sick of it.

I'm a great lighter and lover of candles, particularly fragranced ones, as I'm kind of addicted to scent.

In the dressing room, we've just made it really Zen: low lighting, lots of candles, and fresh, healthy food.

You go into any recording studio in the world, and you see candles, lights, and that Apple light from a Mac.

I was not a girl who grew up buying $100 candles. I was the girl who ran out of gas on her way to an audition.

Imparting knowledge is only lighting other men's candles at our lamp without depriving ourselves of any flame.

Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.

My guilty pleasure is listening to Enya in the bathtub. I do bubbles. I do essential oils. Candles, if they're around.

The putting on of vestments and lighting candles, it's a wonderful ritual that never changes from one Mass to another.

I like doing food as a focal point on my table. It is not like going out and buying flowers or candles, which are expensive.

I love having candles, especially when you get downtime. I could just pass out seeing the flame flicker with the lights off.

I love how most people in 'Sixteen Candles' don't actually look their age. It adds to the movie's funky and low-budget vibe.

I fancy the romantic image of myself being soothed and inspired by music and the sweet aroma and flickering lights of candles.

There is this church that I go to a lot in New York. I'm not religious but I love lighting candles and stuff. I find it useful.

For us as Asian-Americans, I think the bane of our existence is one stereotype - 'Sixteen Candles,' the Long Duk Dong character.

I have a vintage bohemian style of decor with a lot of candles, and second hand furniture and my crystals and my books and plants.

I love cookies baking. During the winter, they have these candles that smell like cookies, and I always buy like a hundred of them.

I have Vie Luxe candles in every room. In 2006 I spent the month of August in Sardinia, and the scent reminds me of the wonderful time we had.

One of my greatest extravagances is smelly candles. I'm embarrassed to say, but I spend a disproportionate amount of money on candles. It adds up.

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