We cater for fashion-conscious people.

Movies cater to what the audiences want.

I know Jeff Bezos because I cater at his home.

I want to make films that cater to the world audiences.

When I'm training, I cater a little bit to my opponents.

It's an offensive league. All the rules cater to the offense.

We are kind of country, but we do cater to louder kinds of music.

As a businessman, my dharma is to cater to every taste of my viewer.

I think they will feel refreshed because I cater to a mature audience.

You have to always remember who your guest is, and that's who we cater to.

I don't only cater a film to the male audience but also the female audience.

Our country has a capacity to cater to huge demands, both domestic and overseas.

I'm not trying to repeat myself or cater myself to one specific group of people.

Dear though the reader might be, I'd be silly to cater to what the reader wanted.

Restaurants don't cater properly for celiac sufferers, and neither do supermarkets.

The Brian Ortega Foundation will cater to all people who have all kinds of problems.

That's all I ever do, just try and do the best I can and cater to the song, cater to the music.

The rule in the art world is: you cater to the masses or you kowtow to the elite; you can't have both.

With 'Noontide Toll', I wanted to cater to a single story but also collectively more than a single story.

I like to write a joke without any fat on it. The shorter the better. I cater for people with ADD, basically.

I just do whatever I do, and put it out there without tryin' to cater to anybody. If you like it, you like it.

Since most of our films cater to crossover audiences, I think it's time we make films for multilingual viewers.

Today films are made to cater to commercial markets created by multiplexes, not for those who enjoy good cinema.

Publicists cater to bloggers because they can play them; bloggers cater to publicists because they want their ads.

I struggle on many fronts on having to move to a different level, having to cater to constantly evolving audiences.

I would love to walk into a mall and see more than two or three stores that cater to women who are a size 14 and up!

I didn't do well in school, and I didn't really care to cater to certain social structures that were in place to be cool.

Once in a while, I need to go out of my way to do different films, to exploit all commercial angles to cater to the masses.

There are hundreds of millions of people on dating apps every day, but apparently, no such apps cater solely to sports fans.

Countries that want to achieve sustainable growth must cater for diverse forms of work and consider the rights of all workers.

'Service Wali Bahu,' like most other serials, cater to women audiences and is aimed at smaller towns where people are home by sunset.

We have a wide range of looks that address all the different types of women we cater to in all of the different territories we sell to.

When people watch good films they want other films to be of that calibre as well particularly when you cater to the same core audience.

Risk analysis can cater to any sort of hazard, but their profession owes its existence to a relatively narrow band of possible dangers.

My initial goal was not really cater to the hardcore wrestling fans or the smarter wrestling fans. It was to cater to casual wrestling fans.

There are a lot of magazines that are still sort of... that only cater to a certain demographic and only put certain people on their covers.

Everybody has a priority. Mine is simple and clean acting, and my work, irrespective of the industry I am in, will not cater to anything else.

Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him - with kindness or roughness as his case may demand.

I don't think that I will say that we are less talented in Bollywood, but our functioning is different. We cater to a different kind of audience.

People might start with LiveJournal or Blogger, but if they get serious, they'll graduate to WordPress. We try to cater to the more powerful users.

I was probably 16 or 17 when 'Core' came out, and I just remember how Scott could cater to the song and create these characters. That blew me away.

I deliberately try not to cater for the commercial market, so I can't see myself in competition, you know, with second or third generation rock stars.

'Billy Elliot' prides itself on being a family show, and it made sense to specifically cater to a family audience with an earlier evening curtain time.

I think that we cater for the woman that wants to be fashion-forward but also wants to purchase an investment piece that she'll have in her wardrobe forever.

With dates I like to cater a girl. We do whatever she likes. If she was open to what I wanted to do, it probably wouldn't be a dull date, because I am a jock.

I've always navigated my way around the comedy writing rooms because I didn't want to cater to this side and that side; I just wanted to be liked by everybody.

Chasing new runway capacity to cater to ever more frequent leisure flights by Britain's wealthiest households isn't just iniquitous - it's bad economic policy.

The best way to get your audience larger and more consistent is to be more divisive and more radical and criticize those who cater to or kowtow to other forces.

Schools that are to cater for the whole population must offer courses that are as rich and varied as are the needs and abilities of the children who enter them.

I don't think men realize that when a woman walks out every single day, there's an unconscious way we cater to making some man comfortable. That's our experience.

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