Channel brand is so key.

I love the Discovery Channel, man!

I am proud of the Fox News Channel.

I normally ignore the History Channel.

I actually love the Discovery Channel.

I channel surf like probably most people.

I'll watch any show on the History Channel.

I kind of watch anything on the Syfy channel.

You can choose what channel you want to watch.

I'm a huge fan of the Nature Channel programs.

Goals help you channel your energy into action.

The ego is there, but I'm learning to channel it.

We are now focused on the brand, not the channel.

If I'm on a show, then that's my favorite channel.

Feel provides an important channel of information.

I've actually got a Motley Crue channel on Pandora.

I think Channel One was very integral in my career.

I always wanted to swim the Channel, which is insane.

My whole life, I always wanted to be a Disney Channel kid.

It's so much fun trying to channel my inner four-year-old.

When I'm doing drag, I get to just be a pure channel for it.

Today I have learned how to channel my rage through fashion.

Before long, I'll have my own channel - I'll be like Barney.

Selling online is one channel, but it's not the only channel.

I love to watch documentaries on The History Channel and TLC.

Channel 4 always do really great stuff; they do great comedies.

I love the Discovery Channel. I love all sorts of medical shows.

Channel 4 know I'm messed up. But they've got a soft spot for me.

The Disney Channel puts out movies, like, every couple of months.

I think nothing ever ends on Disney Channel. They keep playing it.

The position of the artist if humble. He is essentially a channel.

It's fun to channel a different mood and character through makeup.

I think my channel has a Disney-esque vibe. It's a friendly place.

I like Disney Channel a lot, and I also like to watch 'Full House.'

My guilty pleasure is watching the Investigation Discovery channel.

We would like to be the third-most-watched news channel in the U.K.

I wanted to be a Disney Channel star! I wanted to be Hannah Montana.

I try to view my YouTube channel as a logbook of personal interests.

With dance, you learn to channel nerves into energy, excited energy.

There's something to be said about content living on a channel forever.

If a liberal News channel were launched it would fall flat on its face.

I was crossing the English Channel with a carbon-fiber wing on my back.

My channel is my baby. Some women have babies; I have a YouTube channel.

I like to stay home and watch television. The Game Show channel, mostly.

I love Channel 4 and Clerkenwell Films, they aren't afraid to take risks.

One of the hardest things to do when you launch a channel is find a voice.

Watch the History Channel if you want it literal and historically perfect.

ATM is still a cash channel; we want to migrate it to the digital channel.

Everything you see on my channel was made by me - no one else was involved.

The first videos I uploaded on my own personal channel were videos of dogs.

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