Chick Hearn was my favorite broadcaster ever - he's the one who taught me to think basketball, how to love basketball.

I don't want to be known as the Aerosmith chick, but it's fun to put on the boots and makeup and act like a tough girl.

I have absolutely no problem being thought of as an action chick because, quite frankly, very few women have ever done that.

For 'Barnyard,' I did the voice of a 'chick,' which was really a blast because I had to manipulate my voice to another pitch.

I never dream in French, but certain French words seem better or more fun than English words - like 'pois chiches' for chick peas!

We have to get women's stories out there so a guy will read it, laugh, and think, 'I'm not laughing at a chick story but a story.'

So many times, you get sent scripts where it's, like, the token chick, where the woman is just there to serve the man in the film.

Maybe one day I'll have a big hit, and the world will make a big sex symbol out of me like they always do when there's a new chick.

I don't wake up in the morning thinking, 'God, I'm such a hot chick. I'm such a babe. I want to play it up and live it up everyday.'

I was an anorexic, beer drinking, class cutting, doodling, shoplifting, skater chick that was into nature, art class, and the beach.

I think I'm the greatest chick in the game, and I expect all the others to feel the same way. If not, you're in the wrong profession.

I had started modelling and doing ramp shows. Then I signed the 'Kama Sutra' campaign. Overnight I became known as this sexy, hot chick.

I don't like the term 'chick flick.' I think it denigrates a movie. It has overtones of talking down to women, like they are second best.

One reviewer dubbed my first book, 'Getting Rid of Matthew,' 'chick noir,' and another called it 'anti chick lit,' both of which I loved.

I don't read 'chick lit,' fantasy or science fiction but I'll give any book a chance if it's lying there and I've got half an hour to kill.

What bothered me most about chick lit, frankly, was how the term was used to dismiss a huge chunk of the bookstore as silly, girlish prattle.

I am a huge fan of R&B. I love R. Kelly and want to be the person every chick gets with, and 'Ghostdini' is one of the best albums I ever did.

I think that there's a lot of guys out there that want to read the equivalent of chick lit, but really there's not being much written for them.

Many casting directors won't hire aspiring actors because you might be burning some chick's headshot under the table so she doesn't get the part.

I think with pictures; I'm a very lousy writer. If I write without pictures, I become this pathetic chick sitting somewhere trying to be interesting.

My feeling about my own work is, I could be writing 'The Aeneid' and they would still have to call it chick lit or mommy lit or menopausal old hag lit.

It became very obvious to me that in the United States of America, a fluffy ethnic disabled chick was never going to get a job unless she did stand-up.

I wouldn't like to see a chick of mine taking her clothes off and kissing a fellow on screen. And my girls must get very hurt when they see me doing it.

I've been typed as historical fiction, historical women's fiction, historical mystery, historical chick lit, historical romance - all for the same book.

My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!

I'm either dressing like a rocker chick, or I'm looking like I just stepped out of ancient Greece! It all depends on my mood. I love bohemian vibes, too.

I like to think that Harry Cohn is having a somewhat difficult time sleeping in his grave thinking of a chick with a white shag rug taking over his space.

Chick flick is not a term used to praise a movie. Nobody says 'it's a great chick flick.' It's a way of being derisive. I'm not clear why it's ok to do it.

I was originally cast to be the brains of the Enterprise. Somehow I became The Chick. There's a little ugly girl inside of me going 'Yay! I'm a sex symbol!'

A lot of people think I'm a chick. It happens the most at airports. The flight attendants will always say, 'Have a nice flight, Ms. Borns.' It must be the hair.

When I do get pregnant, I highly doubt I'll be one of those women who don't look pregnant from behind - I'll be that chick who looks pregnant from her ankles up!

Guru always wanted to do what he called a 'chick record.' By coincidence, every time we did one, he was either breaking up with one or with a new girl that he loved.

I love to have my girlfriends over for a movie night of chick flicks. I usually make some simple snacks, and the favorite is always my Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip.

I haven't done anything with Chick Corea. He had a group called Return to Forever, and everyone in the group became a superstar. I would really like to work with him.

You know what? At the end of the day, funny is funny. I hope to see the end of all the female cliches that are written in a lot of comedies that are named chick flicks.

I think the 'R&B singer' title came from me entering the business at a time when R&B chick singers were the trend. I was fine with that, but I have a lot more to offer.

I had to do the full body shave for the first coupla weeks of 'White Chicks,' then I said, 'You know what? I'm just gonna be a hairy white chick 'cause this is too much!

I've always read broadly: literary fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, chick lit, historical, dystopian, nonfiction, memoir. I've even read Westerns. I prefer female protagonists.

Hollywood panders to the 18-to-34 crowd. That demographic doesn't care about race and the package it comes in. They care about the hottest chick. They just like hot chicks.

I don't ever want to be doing the same sort of thing, I never want to be typecast, because I have way too much to give to be sort of, to always be the hot chick in the movie.

I would never disrespect any man, woman, chick or child out there. We're all the same. What goes around comes around, and karma kicks us all in the butt in the end of the day.

I would love to do a chick flick sometime soon, a film with strong female characters - when I say strong, I don't mean that they are changing the world, but just be real women.

Honestly, 198,9 I was 12 or 13 years old and primed for the new boy band thing. This guy Jordan Knight sounded like a chick, and I wanted to figure out how to do it, and I did.

In order to survive, I created a certain type of aura about myself that I was the baddest chick walking down the street. Anytime somebody underestimates me, Thug Rose comes out.

The guilty pleasure I miss most when I'm out slogging on the campaign trail is the chance to sprawl on the chaise and watch a vacuously spunky and generically sassy chick flick.

My inner rock chick has always been there. I grew up listening to a lot of rock music through my sisters, who were teenagers while I was young, so they had control of the radio.

Every chick I try to intimidate in a different way. You have to think about their personality. You have to think about what would get under that particular person's skin the most.

The thing about being a mystery writer, what marks a mystery writer out from a chick lit author or historical fiction writer, is that you always find a mystery in every situation.

She's not pretentious at all. I love that about her. I mean, she's this giant icon, but then she's just this little bohemian chick in Ugg boots and sweats. Sadly, Cher is only human.

I read so much stuff that black women say, especially about my relationship. 'Oh, he left his black wife to go be with some exotic chick.' First of all, my girl is black: she's Jamaican.

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