Google demotes search results that don't get clicked on.

As soon as I did, everything, the whole room, just clicked.

I felt like a number of things in me as a writer just clicked.

Me and Miley just clicked. She has good ideas. She's real creative.

'Masti' did so well. It was unexpected and clicked very well with masses.

Someone once told me be interested, not interesting - that really clicked for me.

M*A*S*H' was a collection of people, in front of and behind the cameras, that really clicked.

'The Replacements' is where I met Jon Favreau, and we just clicked like, you know, like kids at a camp.

I was having a really-early-onset midlife crisis, and then something clicked in an improv class, and I knew.

Me and Carti are both from the Southside of Atlanta. That's one of the main reasons that we clicked so well.

In early draft it never satisfied me, and that was when it clicked into place and it went so well as a diary.

I've always wanted to get involved in the tech industry, but hadn't come across anything that really clicked for me.

I watched a lot of TV, and it clicked one day that these people were acting. It sounded like the most fun thing ever.

I gotta say - if I clicked on a movie interview, and the first part was all about Walt Whitman, I'd love that article.

Rodgers & Hart had a few flops before they clicked. You know, it happens. I don't know anyone who always gets away with everything.

When I read Toni Morrison and Sandra Cisneros as a freshman at Rutgers, it all clicked - that writing was all I wanted to do. It became my calling.

I met Muhammad Ali in Toronto when he was still Cassius Clay... We got to talking and it was like we knew each other for 50 years. We just clicked.

I had always dreamed of being an Olympian, and something clicked inside of me. I knew I had to move to Salt Lake City and make this dream a reality.

'The Replacements' is where I met Jon Favreau, and we just clicked like, you know, like kids at a camp. And he wrote my next movie, which was 'Made.'

For some reason in Spring Training, everything just clicked. You don't try to do anything in Spring Training but get ready, but things fell into place.

As soon as I read that, it clicked: that's my theater of war. It was exciting to think that I could write about World War Two from a totally new place.

I don't enjoy public attention. I don't like being recognised, being clicked, or being written about. But then it is destiny. I am just going with the flow.

Everything really came together on '1992.' That isn't to dismiss my earlier works - they were great - but when I focused myself on hip-hop everything just clicked.

I'd love to see a good script of one of my books, in these years of animations and comic book sequels, and had so many written over the years, but none quite clicked.

I think what really clicked for me was when I started booking commercials as a dancer... just being on set and seeing every element of production, it was magic to me.

We're all players and musicians and we sure all get along good. We just clicked right off the bat. We started playing and then we almost immediately started recording.

I spent more time in America, but I developed a very English sense of humour. I clicked into it deeply with Peter Sellers, who is still probably my favourite comedian.

In fact, I had the idea because of Peter Falk. I saw my dad watching a Peter Falk movie and something clicked in my head. I gotta go make a movie for Peter Falk and me.

When I started coming on my music the way I was coming on freestyles - just relentless, at your neck, as soon as the beat starts, that's when everything really clicked.

I only learned what an engineer was from a college guidance counselor. When she described it, a light clicked on in my head, and I said, 'Yes, that's what I want to do.'

When I was offered to sing 'Tere Bina' in 'Guru' by A. R. Rahman sir, it was a surreal experience. The song clicked, and many composers took notice of me and my work then.

At about twelve I just knew, something clicked, and I knew I wanted to be an actor and my parents, to their credit, granted this 12 year old girl a chance to give it a try.

I was a kitchen porter for an hour at the Bank of England when I was 18. In the cafe, someone clicked their fingers and shouted, 'Boy, come and clear my table.' I walked out.

My mother sent me to art classes at the age of 11. I began to have kids around me say, 'Will you make drawings for me? Will you make a painting for me?' And it really clicked.

When I was there, something clicked in my head; I found myself interviewing people, searching out facts and figures. Later on I became much more self-conscious of what I was doing.

The first movie I really clicked with was 'Die Hard' when I was 6 years old, which is crazy that I was watching it that young. That was the one that made me want to become an actor.

I wanted to do something in film. I wanted to make my own movies. Something clicked in my brain, like, 'Oh, I can physically act! I can go on open casting calls and audition for something.'

I had all the usual ambition growing up. I wanted to be a writer, a musician, a hockey player. I wanted to do something that wasn't nine to five. Acting was the first thing I tried that clicked.

After boarding school in Switzerland, at, like, 14 or 15, my life clicked, and I just realized, 'I don't want to be like anyone around me at my school. I don't think the world revolves around money.'

What the Bleep Do We Know was not written with a deaf person in mind, but when they met me, it clicked with them to have me in it. But that happens with a lot of actors in Hollywood, not just with me.

As soon as I went to painting school in New York, I took an experimental film course, and everything clicked and came together. I realized my love of music and drama and the visual arts all came together.

I find a lot of inspiration through visuals. When I was 12, I saw Aurora's 'Runaway' music video. Something inside me clicked, like, 'That is what I want to do, no matter whether it goes anywhere or not.'

I am fine if videos and pictures are clicked when there are legit events and interviews. If I am sitting and having a private dinner with my son, my family or my girlfriend, then I do not want it to be filmed.

'Cheers' was great. They paired me up with Shelley Long on this tiny bar set for the final audition. That was my first really big one, and we just clicked instantly - I still think I got the part because of Shelley.

We've talked with over a dozen VCs and angel investors over the years. But we've never clicked with any of them until Andreessen. During our initial meeting, we were bouncing ideas around about where Imgur could go.

When I saw the 2010 Games and speed skating, I had a change of heart. I had always dreamed of being an Olympian, and something clicked inside of me. I knew I had to move to Salt Lake City and make this dream a reality.

There are songs which even if you listen to repeatedly, you don't end up liking them, but there are some songs which have an instant connection with the listener. 'Ruka Hoon' is that song which instantly clicked with me.

Antoine and Sahara Davenport were really able to help me learn about drag. We really fed off each other. Together, we just clicked. We were both part of 'RuPaul's Drag Race,' so we both got to go through this experience together.

'Cuckoo's Nest' was my first film, and I had wanted to do film for some time, but somehow I had not clicked. I would go in for interviews or readings, and I never had the sense that I was anywhere near what they were looking for.

I get some of the nicest fan mail you could imagine. Also when I'm up for an award, my fans all vote online and then they'll boast to each other about how many thousands of times they've clicked my name. Their thumbs must be bleeding!

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