I'm a Clint Eastwood man.

Clint Eastwood has always been a hero.

In France, Clint Eastwood is like a god.

Next? Growing up to be Clint Eastwood, I hope.

I would really love to work with Clint Eastwood.

Clint Eastwood was a most delightful man to work with.

No one ever thought Clint Eastwood was funny, but he was.

I grew up loving the John Wayne and Clint Eastwood westerns.

I guess my style is a cross between David Bowie and Clint Eastwood.

Just because my dad is Clint Eastwood doesn't mean I don't have to work for a living.

Manscaping and all of that is not my thing. I'm more of the Clint Eastwood kind of guy.

I did a movie with Clint Eastwood and I knew I wasn't going to be able to 'out-man' him.

When Clint Eastwood walks into a room, you may not know his name. But you know who he is.

When I first met Clint Eastwood, I bobbed him a curtsy. I still cringe about that to this day.

I went from working with Spielberg to working with Clint Eastwood - I might as well just retire.

I'd really like to do a movie again with Tim Robbins and Clint Eastwood. They were really good guys.

Dirty Harry, for example. Clint Eastwood was not a rogue cop. He was a maverick cop, but he was a good guy.

You got to be careful mentioning people as great as Clint Eastwood. You can't put me in the same sentence as that man.

You have one conversation with Clint Eastwood, and you realize how cool of a guy he is. He can get down to anyone's level.

Clint Eastwood is an extraordinary director because he knows the value of a buck. He knows where it will show on the screen.

The guys I grew up with, my cinematic heroes, have always been men of few words, but of action. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach.

I feel very, very upset that, when it came time for me to get an Academy Award, that I didn't especially thank Clint Eastwood.

Every time I watch a Clint Eastwood film, I'm in touch with my feminine side, I've developed a searing man-crush on Clint Eastwood.

I'm good when I've got a bit of an edge, like the Clint Eastwood type of archetypal character. The tough guy that doesn't say a lot.

I love Clint Eastwood, and I wish to work with him again. He's completely irreverent about everything, including his own beautiful work.

I'm the first to admit that I like going to, or my memories at least of going to Clint Eastwood movies or Charles Bronson or James Bond.

My parents were New Yorkers, and I was conceived in Los Angeles. My father was a makeup artist to Clint Eastwood and Richard Chamberlain.

I watched a lot of old movies. Clint Eastwood movies, a lot of John Wayne films, a lot of movies that celebrated the region of where I lived.

All I'm going to say is that I worked with Christopher Walken the other day. I can cross him and working with Clint Eastwood off my bucket list!

A man becomes what he dreams. And I dreamed of being in the movies. I was brought up on Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, Warren Beatty, and Cary Grant.

Clint Eastwood is aging beautifully. But someone like Burt Reynolds and others are practically destroying their faces in the amount of work they have.

Westerns were all daddy liked to watch. Give me some Clint Eastwood, some Charles Bronson, and I was a happy girl. It was our father-daughter bonding.

My parents used to talk about Sergio Leone films a lot. And I got really into them. I love Clint Eastwood. I love the camera angles. I love the music.

Clint Eastwood, to me, is Clint Eastwood. He's great at being Clint Eastwood. But, I don't know how to be that guy. I just don't know how to be one person.

When you're a young boy, you're looking at older men for role modelling. Before I loved De Niro, I loved Clint Eastwood; I loved John Wayne. And James Bond.

People see you on television, and they think you make the same amount of money that Clint Eastwood does. But this is PBS. All these shows are done for free.

The life of an action star is very short. I want to be an actor like Robert De Niro, like Dustin Hoffman or Clint Eastwood who in their 70s or 80s can still act.

I love the Western genre. In fact, one of my dreams is to play a cowboy on screen, like Clint Eastwood. I don't think it's going to happen, but you can always hope.

John Lee Hancock is someone that I had admired from afar. I think he is a wonderful director... in the tradition I would say both of Clint Eastwood and Frank Capra.

Some people burn out, and some people like Clint Eastwood, he was a wild, international movie star in his 30s, and he's doing the best work of his life now. Go figure.

What's weird is that I work with these directors and then I start channeling them. I kind of turn into them a bit - which is cool when you're working with Clint Eastwood.

When I was growing up, it was Clint Eastwood, it was Harrison Ford and Steve McQueen - these guys were tough. They were leading men, but they were also tough and physical.

I don't want a Hollywood career. It's wonderful to have the possibility in your life just to win a role in a Clint Eastwood film, and you are the happiest person in the world.

Rod Lurie is one of the most wonderful directors I have had the pleasure to work with. He shoots like Clint Eastwood: no fuss. When he gets it, he knows it - one or two takes.

Every single director-actor I talked to, from Warren Beatty to Clint Eastwood to George Clooney, said the biggest mistake they made is not shooting enough footage of themselves.

Each director is different. Clint Eastwood and Chris Nolan are completely different, and I need to adjust to the story and character and the director and just my duty as an actor.

I find that all great directors, and I would include Ben Affleck and Clint Eastwood in that, they have great confidence. And with great confidence comes great freedom for the actor.

I did a picture 40 years ago with Carroll O'Connor and Telly Savalas, God rest their souls, and Clint Eastwood, called 'Kelly's Heroes,' which we filmed in Yugoslavia for six months.

I loved cowboy movies when I was a kid. When I was five years old, I was already wearing a cowboy hat and suit. When I grew up, I knew John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Kirk Douglas and so on.

I don't think I could do what Woody Allen or Clint Eastwood or Ben Stiller do, where they direct a movie and they star in it. I would just be like, 'Oh, I don't even want to look at my face.'

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