Create a need for closure.

Closure. I loathe that word.

Shift often from openness to closure.

Where was the closure for Michael Brown's parents?

I don't see novels ending with any real sense of closure.

Sometimes a thing needed opening before closure was found.

Closure isn't closure until someone's ready to close the door.

The message coming back at all of us is: live without closure.

Nothing brings closure to a campaign like opening it up again.

Why speak if you can't manage perfect thoughts, perfect sentences?

I think sometimes people really require the satisfaction of closure.

Requiem has been controversial because people dont feel I gave it closure.

I don't want closure, I don't know what that means or why you would want it.

'Requiem' has been controversial because people don't feel I gave it closure.

Closure is just as delusive-it is the false hope that we can deaden our living grief.

Closure is a preposterous concept worthy of the worst aspects of American daytime TV.

I don't believe you ever get closure on anything. Things leave a permanent mark on you.

With a mini series you can give the story a proper sense of pacing, a proper sense of closure.

I'm not interested in closure. Some people just have heart attacks and die, right? There's no closure.

I don't really believe in closure. That's something that writers talk about or people wished that they had.

You want a storybook kind of closure with someone when they die, but I think that kind of thing is impossible.

We didn't get agitated over the closure of blacksmiths when people stopped riding horses and started driving cars.

When Celtic faced closure in 1994. My feelings then were of disbelief and concern for my mates who were Celtic fans.

If a movie isn't released, it's one thing, but if you know it will be, it's nice to have closure and see it come out.

I sort of don't believe in closure. In the sense that it doesn't make me feel better to think that something is over.

Print encourages a sense of closure, a sense that what is found in a text has been finalized, has reached a state of completion.

I begin my day online and end my day online. I like to prepare myself for the next day and have a sense of closure before I go to bed.

Closure is a greasy little word which, moreover, describes a nonexistent condition. The truth, Venus, is that nobody gets over anything.

The people of South Jersey, and local, state, and federal Representatives will not allow a permanent closure of the Atlantic City Rail Line.

We eventually learn that emotional closure is our own action. We can be responsible for it. In any moment, we can choose to open or to close.

Books have this function that help me to understand the work I've done, to wrap it up. Once it's done, fortunately, it doesn't mean there's closure.

You start projecting hurt and pain onto yourself when you don't find closure. Be honest with the situation and yourself, clean the wound, and move on.

We have directed the closure of P.R.C. Consulate General Houston, in order to protect American intellectual property and American's private information.

We all lose somebody we care about and want to find some comforting way of dealing with it, something that will give us a little closure, a little peace.

For many workers, Buy America policies can mean the difference between going to work on Monday morning and facing a furlough because of a furnace closure.

Moving on is not closure. It's not neat, and it's not about turning the page. It is about moving on, but it doesn't mean that you've left something behind.

Ghosting's a horrible thing, isn't it? It doesn't feel good, it feels like a rejection. And what's more, it feels like a rejection where there's no closure.

'Closure' is the word used for a loss that's not acknowledged - and the habit this causes, physically and mentally, for anybody who is participating in that.

Ambiguity is necessary in some of my stories, not in all. In those, it certainly contributes to the richness of the story. I doubt that thematic closure is never attainable.

I think the first decision I took when I became a government minister was to reverse the planned closure of Monklands Accident and Emergency. It's an issue close to my heart.

Right now we have a closure rate between discovery and exploitation of four to six months. We need to be more in the realm of seven to 10 days. That is an enormous challenge.

Producing is the hardest of the three because there is almost no closure. Every time you solve a problem, another one pops up. Directing is second, and acting is the most fun.

I have struggles in screenwriting that lead me to a third act that's always more or less efficiently wrapped up in a fourth act that's trying to give closure to too many things.

Ultimately I look at the long-term goal of communicating messages. Although I've seen some traumatic things, delivering messages of comfort and closure allow for a sense of peace.

Have gratitude for the things you're discarding. By giving gratitude, you're giving closure to the relationship with that object, and by doing so, it becomes a lot easier to let go.

Your experiences are what made you what you are today. So when tragedy happens in people's lives, and things are left unsaid, it can be very unsettling. The lack of closure can linger.

I'm considering 'Dark Souls 3' to be the big closure on the series. That's not just limited to me, but From Software and myself together want to aggressively make new things in the future.

In a way, it's my way of dealing with, finding closure with Grateful Dead music, and giving thanks in a way to Jerry and Bob and all the guys in the band for making up this wonderful music.

A novel requires a certain kind of world-building and also a certain kind of closure, ultimately. Whereas with a short story you have this sense that there are hinges that the reader doesn't see.

For me, the goal of a reading is fundamentally to help the person get closure or insight, and so sharing negative information without any positive silver lining or any potential resolution is pointless.

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