I was a cocky kid.

April is a fun month.

To my city I'm the 2-3

I can be a little cocky.

Be confident and not cocky.

A lot of fighters are cocky.

I'm more than just an option.

Confident. Cocky. Lazy. Dead.

I'm a star, no spangled banner

In baseball I was pretty cocky.

When you're young, you're cocky.

I can't stand cocky, rude people.

I'm not as cocky as I used to be.

Haters are just confused admirers.

I was a little bit of a cocky kid.

Sunday comes after Saturday? Weird.

I am not cocky or real showboatish.

Last name 'Ever', first name 'Greatest'

I hope I don't come off as being cocky.

I'm the one twice over I'm the new eleven

Nick Cannon or Will never did it this ill.

I'm cocky. It's different. Cocky is playful.

I'm like really famous. I got a famous anus.

Don't be cocky, 'Pride cometh before the fall

Pastor Kerney Thomas to these hoes.. miwacles.

Buzz so big I could probably sell a blank disc.

I'm not cocky. I'm not arrogant. I know my value.

It's wonderful to win, but don't get cocky about it!

I'm allergic to coming in second but I never sneeze.

Be cocky. Walk into the Georgia Dome like you own it.

My fans are like my glasses. Without them I'd be blurry.

Confucius say, man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day

Why would I ever get cocky? I'm not saving anybody's life.

My father was a cocky, long-haired musician, a songwriter.

As hard as I've tried, I don't know how not to be adorable.

Those Beliebers who haven't met me yet are the special ones.

I've never been a cocky individual, but I am very confident.

I really don't believe in abortion. It's like killing a baby.

Men think monogamy is something you make dining tables out of.

But then, like George Michael in a men's bathroom, I got cocky.

Runnin' this game for five years, guess that's why my feet hurt.

I'm a cocky sumb**itch. That's what makes me such a great player.

I don't want to sound too cocky. But I consider myself superwoman.

Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.

Maybe I am a little cocky. Maybe it's something I need to work on.

So basically, I don't know what I'm talking about. But maybe I do.

It might come off as cocky, but I've been through a lot in my life.

Haters call me 'gay,' but their girlfriends want me more than them.

I think if you expect it to do well, you come off a little bit cocky.

I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but I work hard. I work 24/7.

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