Colin Cunningham just cracks me up.

I've got Colin Firth's number in my phone!

Colin Cowherd? I never met him; I don't know him.

I'm a friend of Colin Powell. We talk quite often.

I'm not going to be the next Colin Farrell or Orlando Bloom.

I idolised former sprint and hurdling champion Colin Jackson.

I really like Colin Blunstone, the lead singer of the Zombies.

It was amazing to work with a cast like Terence Howard and Colin Farrell.

I am looking forward to seeing my buddy Colin represent in front of Pacino. That's sweet.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, thank you so much, as always, for joining us this morning.

I think America loves cooperative black men. I am not against Colin Powell, but I know who he is.

When Colin Kaepernick refuses to stand for the anthem, that's both a sports story and a politics story.

I could not have known Colin Campbell would turn out to be the debased, cruel monster he turned out to be.

Even if I did give a good talk, is what I have to say more important and interesting than what Colin Powell said?

I think we can all agree that Colin Firth falls into the George Clooney category of 'Men Who Age Like Fine Wine.'

My father, Colin, and my brother, Chris, who is four years older than me, were a great help to me when I was younger.

Colin Blunstone did a cover of one of my songs, and the reason I liked it was he changed it completely from my version.

After working with Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, and Jonathan Mangum, I said, 'I am never going to talk about improv again.'

When I want to relax, I plop down on my couch and watch some great movie, usually a British drama - anything with Colin Firth.

There are times when you need a strategic quarterback who has a proven record, and certainly, Colin Kaepernick is one of those.

The 'Pride and Prejudice' with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle was something I watched on a weekly basis with my mum at home in Oxfordshire.

My dad was stationed at the Pentagon when I was like middle-school age. He was support for the Joint Chiefs of Staff; his boss was Colin Powell.

Colin Kaepernick is one of the leaders in the movement for black lives. His role as an athlete and activist is not only motivating but inspiring.

Films are wonderful but they do fix an identity. I can't read 'Pride and Prejudice' anymore, for instance, without imaging Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.

Finally, Colin Farrell showed up on my doorstep, only he wasn't Colin Farrell - he was just this Irish kid who had read the script and wanted to do it.

Secretary Powell and I agree on every single issue that has ever been before this administration except for those instances where Colin's still learning.

I didn't realize that the platform could be this big until Colin Kaepernick first took a knee. When he did that, that was kind of an 'aha' moment for me.

If you take a step back and you look at the overall picture, there's a lot of teams in this league that could use a quarterback of Colin Kaepernick's ability.

Colin Kaepernick had a... maybe he had an epiphany. Maybe he had a realization that 'I have a higher calling the playing quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers.'

Colin Campbell should be thanking me for raising his profile. I'm the only one who's put the Colin Campbell name on the map. Who has even heard of Lord Colin Campbell?

I've stood for the national anthem ever since grade school. It's a patriotic thing for me. I understand what Colin Kaepernick and others are doing, but it's not for me.

This thing that Colin Powell's son is expected to do is kind of scary when you think that television and radio and newspapers are what make people think what they think.

I wonder how Colin Powell sleeps at night. I would like to have a word with him because he lied. He lied. He lied to me. He lied to my face through the camera at the U.N.

President Bush has had an outstanding Secretary of State in Colin Powell and there are not many people who could replace him, making Condoleezza Rice an excellent choice.

The Colin Kaepernick Kneeling Trojan Horse has turned sports into the victimhood Olympics, the most powerful venue in popular culture to preach critical race excuse-making.

One thing I've learned is that when you shoot something in the U.K., there's always going to be somebody called Trevor on your set. And maybe a Nigel. Occasionally a Colin.

I've never met Colin Kaepernick, but he's a hero of mine. I'm in awe that he took it upon himself to publicly promote the American values of life and liberty that we all cherish.

I don't think about being the Colin Firth of the gardening world. I live a very insular world based around my family and my home, and to them I'm not the Colin Firth of anything.

For 'Fright Night,' we really want to convey the fun attitude of the movie and show the intensity of Colin Farrell as a predator. He's not a brooding vampire - he's dark and dangerous.

So, in the course of events, I had an opportunity to come in contact with Colin Matthews, through the Rex Foundation sponsoring recordings of various music that was being recorded over there.

I see guys like Colin Kaepernick in the NFL. Guys like Marshawn Lynch, they're sitting down; they're making statements. They're standing up for what they believe in, and I think it's terrific.

I've never seen somebody get more flak than Colin Kaepernick for silently and nonviolently protesting and standing up for something he believes, and something that obviously is an actual problem.

I have been Lady C since 1974 when I married my husband, Lord Colin Campbell. We may be divorced, but I kept the title - not because it is specifically important to me but simply because it is my name.

At some point in time, we're going to have to stop addressing the kneeling, and we're going to have to start addressing what led Colin Kaepernick to kneel. That's the issue that nobody wants to talk about.

The centerpiece of the Bush administration's case for going to war in Iraq was Secretary of State Colin Powell's presentation to the U.N. Security Council on February 5, 2003, six weeks before the invasion.

I was lucky enough to be a child during the renaissance of Australian children's literature, when people like Ivan Southall, Colin Thiele, Lilith Norman and Wrightson were pumping out hugely inspiring stuff.

The struggle you see in the Republican Party today is the country club Republican versus the bowling alley Republican. Colin Powell brings us back to the country club image. He's an insider. He's a moderate.

Doing 'Mamma Mia' was scary full stop, so playing a young Colin Firth was even more intimidating. I just had to keep reminding myself that I was playing Harry and not Colin Firth, which psychologically felt better.

I'm hopefully touring with Colin Baker next year in Perfect Strangers. I have performed with Sylvia Simms in poetry and music evenings. I would love to do those for the rest of my career - they are so fun and witty.

Even Colin Powell who was everywhere before he became secretary of state, just stopped going out. I think part of it was he didn't want to be viewed suspiciously by the other people in the White House who rarely go anywhere.

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