Every civilian's death diminishes us, collectively.

It's usually good news when people call collectively.

Playing collectively will boost our chances of winning.

If we all collectively generate good energy, there will be a good outcome.

I haven't seen one guy beat five people yet. It needs to be done collectively.

Motley Crue, collectively and individually, have done things on our own terms.

People are not ants or bees. We do not reason or love or live or die collectively.

It's important everyone knows their roles individually and collectively as a group.

We must form public-private partnerships to collectively improve children's health.

I've always loved reading manifestos. Collectively, they represent a triumph of style.

We've waged war on work. We have collectively agreed, stupidly, that work is the enemy.

A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.

We need to, as a society, collectively, unequivocally denounce any time innocent lives are lost.

I never did anything alone. Whatever was accomplished in this country was accomplished collectively.

I think that things happen individually first, and then collectively. It's not the other way around.

Civil war is a national crisis and also a private trauma: We suffer it collectively and in isolation.

Both in the short-run and the long-run, college students, collectively, have enormous spending power.

Of all the things I feel, I do not feel myself to be a victim - not in any collectively accessible way.

We should collectively be talking to children - as young as kindergarten - about what consent looks like.

I have a lot of wonderful people in my life - probably five, collectively - who I can tell everything to.

With 'Noontide Toll', I wanted to cater to a single story but also collectively more than a single story.

We talked about the Internet and Wikipedia and how facts and history are being collectively created online.

I think you can tour the country and collectively reach fewer people than just being on television one time.

There's a remarkable power about reading together, reading collectively, that's brought out by reading groups.

We must defend the rights of working people to bargain collectively for fair wages and safe working conditions.

It's enough to make a small shift within and a small action in the world. Collectively these have a huge effect.

I can help as chairperson, and Fulham can help our NFL effort. Collectively, these synergies will help everybody.

If we want the world to change, we can change it. But in order to change it, the world collectively has to do better.

Every player has their challenge to help the team. They all have a challenge individually and collectively to improve.

Our job collectively, players and coaches, is to figure out a way to play that we can put ourselves in a position to win.

I will continue to do all that I can to ensure and enhance worker protections, including the right to bargain collectively.

My goal is always to improve what has been done the previous season and also collectively seek to do better than the year past.

I used to have a protest folk band in high school, and I wrote all my own songs. Then, in the B-52s, we would write collectively.

Individually and collectively, Cherokee people possess an extraordinary ability to face down adversity and continue moving forward.

I run into guys all the time that say, 'Me and my three buddies started fat shaming each other and we collectively lost 130 pounds.'

I would say that all the singles that I have put out are collectively just a small piece of the artist that Thomas Rhett wants to be.

There's no reason for the establishment to fear me. But it has every right to fear the people collectively - I am one with the people.

Climate change is a shared crisis - one that transcends politics and borders and must be fought collectively, justly and transparently.

Collectively, we are in thrall to media - because they deliver to us many of the psychic goods we crave, and we know no other way to live.

Companies are not lead by a single person; they're lead by a group of individuals collectively making good decisions on behalf of the company.

Countries need to work in partnership with international agencies, donors, global experts, and one another in order to collectively end HIV/AIDS.

Putting a man on the moon united our nation in victory and we've collectively mourned through tragedies such as Apollo 1, the Challenger and Columbia.

More than anything, I write about what I know. The experiences that I've had in my life and that we've all had collectively, that's what we draw from.

It's good to be in a position to know that I've inspired musicians, from what I've learned to lay down personally, and collectively with Led Zeppelin.

All things being equal, letting people make decisions for themselves will produce smarter outcomes, collectively, than relying on government planners.

When differences of view emerge, as they are bound to do from time to time, they should be resolved privately and whenever appropriately, collectively.

But I also think that the more you reason collectively about what the project should be at the beginning of the process, the more you can improvise later.

We were not fathers also to convey the promise, as Abraham was; nor although the promise, as collectively taken, had belonged to us, as to Abraham it did.

We have collectively to face up to the fact that in the two main political parties there are substantial disagreements on the best form Brexit should take.

We shouldn't require our politicians to be movie stars. Then again, we're all influenced by charisma. It's hard not to be. We all collectively fall for it.

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