In prison, illusions can offer comfort.

I like stepping out of my comfort zone.

He receives comfort like cold porridge.

The modern dogma is comfort at any cost.

Comfort came in with the middle classes.

I believe in disrupting my comfort zone.

Music has the ability to comfort people.

Familiar things are a comfort to us all.

I love when I am outside my comfort zone.

Wisely weigh our sorrow with our comfort.

I was a comfort factor. I'm not a hustler.

What a comfort to know that God is a poet.

Comfort food is absolutely moving upscale.

Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone.

Fashion is about comfort and feeling good.

I love being pushed out of my comfort zone.

Society is no comfort, to one not sociable.

I think that our comfort is in our history.

What a comfort is friendship in this world.

I like being thrown out of my comfort zone.

I never do anything out of my comfort zone.

Now I am past all comforts here, but prayer.

Jazz is my comfort music, like comfort food.

It was a hobbit hole, and that means comfort

Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.

Comfort's in heaven, and we are on the earth

Comfort, however, easily merges into license.

Heaven is comfort, but it's still not living.

You can celebrate the female form in comfort.

There is peace and rest and comfort in sorrow

It's a real comfort zone for me to feel alien.

Them as ha' never had a cushion don't miss it.

As an artist, comfort can be your worst enemy.

All clean and comfortable I sit down to write.

I'm always perpetually out of my comfort zone.

What I aspired to be and was not, comforts me.

An adventure story is fear recalled in comfort.

My number one elixir for anxiety? Comfort food.

The miracle often lies outside our comfort zone.

Fantasy and science fiction are my comfort spot.

It's a great comfort to have an artistic sister.

Evils have their comfort, good none can support.

Brains can argue, but it takes heart to comfort.

Comfort zones are overrated. They make you lazy.

Comfort is for the lazy and the ugly." Aphrodite

If you're not busy being born, you're busy dying.

Happiness is a smile of comfort to the sorrowful.

Memory - that fiend, that cruel enemy of comfort.

Repetition comforts me for a time, then closes in.

'The Daily Show' forced me out of my comfort zone.

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