I am lazy.

I'm very lazy.

I'm very lazy!

I am very lazy.

I'm a lazy sod.

I'm quite lazy.

I'm really lazy!

I'm kind of lazy.

I'm incredibly lazy!

I can be a lazy slob.

Everyone is born lazy.

I'm a lazy, lazy girl.

I'm just generally lazy.

I can be a lazy dresser.

Programmers can be lazy.

I am fat, lazy and kind.

I am a very lazy person.

I'm too lazy to work out.

This is no lazy mans field

Humankind above all is lazy.

Deep down inside, I am lazy.

Bloggers are lazy and greedy.

Confident. Cocky. Lazy. Dead.

I went through a lazy period.

Diet food is for lazy people.

Everyone's really lazy in L.A.

I'm very lazy, I hate to work.

Humans are lazy but not stupid.

There is no point in being lazy.

I'm just really a lazy homebody.

Are you lazy or just incompetent?

Humanity is constitutionally lazy.

Vengeance is a lazy form of grief.

I have to watch out for being lazy.

When not working, my days are lazy.

There are no ugly women, only lazy.

The bagger is the technique of lazy.

As a race, the Negroes are not lazy.

A lazy frost, a numbness of the mind.

I never met a writer who wasn't lazy.

Me, I'm a lazy bum, so I don't shave.

Human nature is above all things lazy.

I think most performers are just lazy.

Hard work is greater than lazy talent.

I'm always busy, but I'm lazy as well.

Every man is as lazy as he dares to be.

There are no lazy veteran lion hunters.

Vengeance is just a lazy form of grief.

Lazy fokes's stummucks don't git tired.

I'm a lazy creature when I'm not acting.

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