Fashion is about comfort and feeling good.

Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.

There's no reason to be ashamed of feeling good.

Honestly, nothing tastes as good as feeling good.

For me, feeling good is line drives to left field.

'Feeling Good' is a peek into my life through song.

You don't hit an 11-darter unless you're feeling good.

I'm working my way steadily back and I'm feeling good.

I think the soul of Good Charlotte is just feeling good.

A good night's sleep is a super important part of feeling good.

I love looking in the mirror and feeling good about what I see.

If you're happy, if you're feeling good, then nothing else matters.

As long as I'm healthy and feeling good, I will compete with anybody.

I'm supportive of anyone, male or female, feeling good about themselves.

So many people have gone through the experience of not feeling good enough.

I'm a believer in feeling good in your skin, so I put bikini pics on my Instagram.

My idea of being fit is feeling good about leading a healthy and disciplined lifestyle.

I always feel like I leave a Max Holloway fight week feeling good about the state of MMA.

As long as you're feeling good with your weight and the way you look, that's what matters.

Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one place.

I made the connection between food and weight, but feeling good or bad was a separate issue.

Feeling good about your body and feeling sexy comes from within, not from a number on the scale.

If merely 'feeling good' could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience.

While I can always use a break from the gym, I like to swim and dive to keep myself feeling good.

My life off the court has changed. I'm feeling good inside, so I guess it shows on the outside too.

For years, I wasn't feeling good about myself. My head wasn't clear. I was doing nothing productive.

It was not about losing my mental power; it's about not feeling good about my contribution to the game.

If a great outfit gets you one step closer to feeling good about yourself, then it's worth every penny.

Self-care is really about taking care of you and focusing on feeling good about yourself - mind and body.

Do and act on what you believe to be right, and you'll wake up the next morning feeling good about yourself.

Setting a goal, accomplishing it, and feeling good about yourself can help build confidence and perseverance.

It happens with every batsman; sometimes, despite feeling good in the nets, you don't score runs in the match.

I'm very big into just feeling good and doing what I want; I'm not very calculated or thoughtful about my moves.

When I wake up in the morning, I don't say, 'Oh, I have cancer. I say 'Another day. How you feeling? Good? Good.'

When I'm not feeling good about how I look, I figure if I just buy the right piece of clothing, I'll feel all right.

Find the autonomy in your work. Autonomy is key to feeling good about the work you do, no matter what kind of work it is.

If you are feeling good, you look good, you are confident about yourself, you are going to go out there, and you will rock it.

Style offers concrete rules you can follow. You can use it as a resource rather than a barrier to feeling good about yourself.

I'm feeling good about my movement on grass courts; I can serve a little bit better. This makes me much more dangerous than on hard.

I'm very physical. It's an important part of being a woman - feeling good about yourself and really being in tune with your personality.

When I'm not shooting, I'm a leggings and boots girl. I like cute and casual - for me, it's all about feeling good and being comfortable.

Feeling good about your life, but not expressing a heartfelt 'thank you,' is like wrapping a gift for someone and never giving it to them.

You get into a tough spot where you're not feeling good and you can't do what you're typically accustomed to doing, you just keep grinding.

I try to make the good days great and take something positive from the days I'm not feeling good - work on technique or something like that.

I like to give myself a nice run up to a shirtless scene. Physically, it really doesn't make any difference. It's about mentally feeling good about it.

It is tough to say what has influenced me the most because I know that Mozart makes me think better, but you cannot beat Dave Matthews for feeling good!

When you play a guitar for a long time, you get your hand oils in there; it starts feeling good and behaving, and you just don't want to mess with that.

The reason I fell in love with fitness was because of the way I felt after a workout, even looking in the mirror afterward and feeling good about myself.

When I'm fidgety, and I just feel like everything is closing in, I go to the gym. You're building endorphins and feeling good about yourself. It's saved me.

It's not even about looking good; it's about feeling good inside. Celebrity Sweat makes everyone aware of that but in a fun way with their favorite athletes.

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