Why should I be honored? Don't I have enough attention, comfort and power already?

I think anyone taken out of their comfort zone and put somewhere else will change.

For an actor to grow, she needs to play roles that put her out of her comfort zone.

Make other comfortable and you will see that nature will take care of your comfort.

It's good to feel stupid sometimes and do things that are out of your comfort zone.

Religion all the world over offeres God as the solace and comfort for all in agony.

The main cause of suffering is egoistic desire for one's own comfort and happiness.

On Being Old. It's not nice but take comfort that you won't stay that way for ever.

I believe that not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone.

It makes me feel good to have some comforting effect on someone that needs comfort.

If you make your decisions based on comfort, before long you will be uncomfortable.

I think most actors like to do things that are right outside of their comfort zone.

People are so ready to cut you down if you take a risk and leave your comfort zone.

My day-to-day look is inspired by comfort, color and just how I'm feeling that day.

I was very fond of Lagneau’s phrase: “I have no comfort but in my absolute despair.

There's a certain comfort in being in supporting roles because it's not all on you.

Here comes a man of comfort, whose advice Hath often stilled my brawling discontent.

Just playing someone who's not concerned with people's comfort levels is so freeing.

Normally, I rely heavily on my director to massage me out of my actor comfort zones.

The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

The creature comforts we tend to rationalize as "business expenses I can write off."

Mickey Mouse to me means safety, comfort and tradition. A general wash of happiness.

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, a comfort zone is a dangerous place to be.

If we don’t think about God, everything ends up being about 'me' and my own comfort.

Mother nature has the power to please, to comfort, to calm, and to nature one's soul.

What we know to be true is that comfort isn't always freedom. People confuse the two.

The sound of the piano is always something that is a real kind of comfort food to me.

Whatever others may say, they say it to deceive and comfort themselves, not help you.

Comfort? If a choice has to be made between style and comfort, style wins every time.

I'm not naive enough to believe it's in our nature to step outside our comfort zones.

I'm a big comfort eater, so if I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'll just stuff my face.

We have killed our souls with comfort instead of seeking fulfillment and achievement.

The atmosphere breathes rest and comfort, and the many chambers seem full of welcomes.

For to be desperate is to discover strength. / We die of comfort and by conflict live.

When you know a place, your feet have walked it so many times there's a comfort to it.

My whole thing is being sexy without showing too much, because thats my comfort level.

Our ability to measure and apportion time affords an almost endless source of comfort.

Find comfort in the knowledge that no imitator ever comes off as well as the original.

Job endured everything - until his friends came to comfort him, then he grew impatient.

We are comfortable in this environment. Why not make ourselves comfortable over there?.

I'm not at all contemptuous of comforts, but they have their place and it is not first.

Each one of us has a comfort zone. The problem comes when we are unwilling to leave it.

Oh, injurious love, that respites me a life, whose very comfort is still a dying horror

At State Bank, all decisions are collective decisions. I have created the comfort zone.

Classical music has been based on works people love and come back to for aural comfort.

The biggest trap, the biggest dungeon in life isn't laziness or bad luck, it's comfort.

It is such a comfort to drop the tangles of life into God's hands and leave them there.

Who wanted to creep along in comfort when there was one chance in a thousand of flying?

My whole thing is being sexy without showing too much, because that's my comfort level.

If we remain compelled by comfort, we will miss the greatest adventures of our calling.

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