Coming out is the most political thing you can do

There is always something new coming out of Africa.

It's not ideal to have three films coming out at once.

Coming out's the hardest part, when you're Queen Elvis.

My reason for coming out isn't to be some sort of hero.

When a shy person smiles, it’s like the sun coming out.

I am in Ghost Rider but I'm not sure when it's coming out.

I'm a horrible person. And it's just coming out in my work.

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

I've always been inspired by a lot of work coming out of the UK

The young actors coming out of the Universities are well trained.

Ninety percent of what youre saying isnt coming out of your mouth.

There's nothing more powerful than coming out and being who you are.

Everything thing we're doing is coming out of the living Word of God.

Well, I always looked at Mulan as a movie about a lesbian coming out.

I am not in the closet. I am not coming out of the closet. I am not gay.

I supply the music for Vampires, which is a new series that's coming out.

I'm shocked at the sexism and double standard coming out of the far right.

There’s always an article coming out, saying, ‘The new thing is funny women!’

I have a movie coming out called Spun, which will be at the Toronto Film Fest.

I'm not going to put out a Christmas CD until it's coming out of me naturally.

I started singing in the bathroom, ... Nothing was coming out. It was ghastly.

The fellow that owns his own home is always just coming out of a hardware store.

I feel like I'm on the precipice - just seeing a better version of me coming out.

Even the people who do great jokes, [it's] always coming out of a very real place.

Whatever poetry that was in me was coming out in the form of constructing art books!

The one thing ... maybe no family could tolerate was things coming out into the open.

I didn't have outstanding numbers coming out of college and I'm not 6'6 with 230 lbs.

You will not be the same person coming out of a relationship as you were going into it.

I have become infected, now that I see how beautifully a book is coming out of all this.

Certainly, the Hollywood cinema, there's almost nothing of interest coming out of there.

Performing for the Dalai Lama - those are words I never imagined coming out of my mouth.

All people—all lives—are either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or headed for a crisis.

Where's Eminem, when is Em coming out, Em this, Em that, 50 this, 50 that... What about Obie?

I don't recall an American president basically coming out and criticizing the Israeli public.

By coming out to ourselves, we free up the energy we spent keeping a part of ourselves hidden.

It's not too bad when the sun's out, but the sun only comes out when it feels like coming out.

I am glad The Worst Journey is coming out in Penguins: after all it is largely about penguins.

I've got some cool features with some cool people coming out but I can't speak on it right now.

I'm lookin' at these Disney characters, these young girls coming out looking like, little whores.

I believe in saying the truth, coming out with it cold, shocking if necessary, not disguising it.

I always think coming out is something that you do for people who really deserve it. It should be.

To have three movies coming out at the same time - I probably will never have that again in my life.

I'm not a rock and roller, a hitmaker. I'm highly dependent on what's coming out of these vocal cords.

I always turn in my books on time, so you can always count on a book coming out when it's supposed to.

When you're coming out, you have to deal with the whole world saying 'Oh! You're an abominable snowman'.

I'm a winter girl. I like coming out when things are desolate and everybody's ready to slit their wrists.

We know that it's hard enough being a teenager. It's particularly hard being a teenager who's coming out.

It's great to see young players like Kieran coming out and not being intimidated by it. (on Kieran Richardson)

There was a perverse side of me, with things like Van Helsing coming out. I didn't want to go down that route.

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