People who work together will win, whether it be against complex ...

People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society.

Gymnastics is so complex.

I don't have a complex mind.

Woman are complex creatures.

I like poems that are complex.

We live in a very complex world.

We are a complex species to observe.

Islamophobia is a complex phenomenon.

Guess what? Human beings are complex.

Derivatives are a huge, complex issue.

The complex develops out of the simple.

Hip-hop isn't as complex as a woman is.

Motivations are too tangled and complex.

It's a complex sport; you're always learning.

I understand that finance can be very complex.

Egypt is a large, complex, very important country.

I searched so hard for a part that was so complex.

I have a superiority complex I need to get rid of.

Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex.

I'm not a part of the political industrial complex.

People are complex. I'm just showing my complexity.

I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems.

I'm interested in characters that are complex people.

The mother-daughter relationship is the most complex.

In complex trains of thought signs are indispensable.

Responding to a natural disaster is a complex problem.

I think of my gender as a part of my complex humanity.

I am deeply romantic and a genuine yet complex person.

The wide receiver position is such a complex position.

I've always had a complex about being taken seriously.

I'm a member of a very complex and richly valued race.

I am not a very complex person. I believe in simplicity.

Simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.

In general, I like contradictions and complex situations.

I'm an entertainer in the military-entertainment complex.

I'm interested in playing lots of different complex women.

The pancreas is by far the most complex organ in the body.

I'm as moody and complex and private as anyone I ever knew.

I'm sufficiently complex that there's no one truth about me.

Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective.

Very simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.

Individuals are complex and deserve to be recognized as such.

Everybody's a complex person. Everybody. Everybody's nuanced.

The essence of style is a simple way of saying something complex.

The inferior complex is now extended to all Europe, save Nordics.

I have a huge ego and a huge inferiority complex at the same time.

These new 'hybrid' F1 cars represent an extremely complex project.

Everything that we are making, we are making more and more complex.

Everybody from the Bay has a superiority complex because we're dope.

Ours is a colourful and diversified world. It is also a complex one.

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