I'm basically a computer science nerd.

An algorithm must be seen to be believed.

Computer Science is embarrassed by the computer.

Trees sprout up just about everywhere in computer science.

It should be mandatory that you understand computer science.

Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.

You could get an entire computer science education for free right now.

I think computer science, by and large, is still stuck in the Modern age.

Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

Just as computer science is missing from our school system, so is science fiction.

I studied Computer Science when I was in my undergrad and minored in Digital Art & Design.

Computer science is one of the worst things that ever happened to either computers or to science.

Deep neural networks are responsible for some of the greatest advances in modern computer science.

The whole idea of how people will learn computer science, I believe will be through game development.

That's one of those things about being a computer science major: Valentine's Day is just another day.

I like to think of it as this new field. Instead of computer science, it's going to be virtual science.

I shopped at J. Crew in high school, I studied computer science. I was a nerd-nerd, now I'm a music-nerd.

To me, mathematics, computer science, and the arts are insanely related. They're all creative expressions.

I never took a computer science course in college, because then it was a thing you just learned on your own.

Until Systers came into existence, the notion of a global 'community of women in computer science' did not exist.

Women are both talented and innovative thinkers and tend to use computer science as a tool to solve larger problems.

I studied computer science and graphic design, yeah, so music was self-taught and a backburner thing, an obsessive hobby.

When people think about computer science, they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night.

I was an undergrad math major and a grad student in computer science. I'm hugely introverted, not atypical of math majors.

There's a good part of Computer Science that's like magic. Unfortunately there's a bad part of Computer Science that's like religion.

I moved to MIT from Stanford in 1984 to teach, and became the founding director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab.

I wanted to do animation, so for lack of available career counselling, took up Bachelor's in Computer Science, but managed to get only C grades.

Most of the good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.

I've been programming computers since elementary school, where they taught us, and I stuck with computer science through high school and college.

My brother is an electrical engineer and went to computer science grad school at Stanford, and he'd tell me stories about the happy hours he'd organize.

This is a global fight to get the right people in the right place and we're talking about people with PhDs in engineering, computer science, mathematics.

When I was 19 years old, I wrote my first book. I took a computer science class, and the book was garbage. I thought I could write a better one, so I did.

! want to leverage the creativity of researchers across mathematics, statistics, data mining, computer science, biology, medicine, and the public at large.

I took Pascal, and I was terrible. And then, when I went to NYU, I minored in computer science. I just couldn't code. I just didn't have the patience for it.

Computer science is not just for smart 'nerds' in hoodies coding in basements. Coding is extremely creative and is an integral part of almost every industry.

I learned that despite having years and years of experience in math and computer science and so on, I didn't really know how to code until I formed a company.

My hope is that in the future, women stop referring to themselves as 'the only woman' in their physics lab or 'only one of two' in their computer science jobs.

Unless we make computer science a priority, we risk making gender, class, and racial disparities worse as jobs flow to those with a computer science background.

When you apply computer science and machine learning to areas that haven't had any innovation in 50 years, you can make rapid advances that seem really incredible.

If we suppose that many natural phenomena are in effect computations, the study of computer science can tell us about the kinds of natural phenomena that can occur.

We need policymakers to keep an eye on gender and write policies that are explicitly designed to include underserved populations like girls in computer science courses.

We will depend on American students who can turn their literacy in coding and computer science into creative solutions that address the complex problems facing our nation.

My background was computer science and business school, so eventually I worked my way up where I was running product groups - development, testing, marketing, user education.

We're losing track of the vastness of the potential for computer science. We really have to revive the beautiful intellectual joy of it, as opposed to the business potential.

People think that computer science is the art of geniuses but the actual reality is the opposite, just many people doing things that build on eachother, like a wall of mini stones.

There are several places in Vietnam where they're teaching computer science from second grade in class, so they don't have a gender divide because everybody is expected to program.

Post-Modernism was a reaction against Modernism. It came quite early to music and literature, and a little later to architecture. And I think it's still coming to computer science.

My Vikings class was super fun, and I have loved the computer science classes. Coding, for me, is like a boyfriend that makes you really upset, and then you can't get enough of him.

We're not a vocational school. If someone wants to get a high-paying job, I would hope that there are easier ways to do it than working through a formal computer science curriculum.

The rise of Google, the rise of Facebook, the rise of Apple, I think are proof that there is a place for computer science as something that solves problems that people face every day.

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