Voltaire was a smart cookie.

Life is like a box of cookies.

I love oatmeal raisin cookies.

It’s just a cookie, sweetheart.

It was a cookie, not a crack pipe.

Come to the dark side. We have cookies.

Man, he deserves a hero cookie. (Selena)

If drunk were cookies, I'd be Famous Amos

A balanced diet is a cookie in both hands.

Divorce doesn't fit my cookie-cutter image.

Nobody ever died of being shot by a cookie.

Part 1- In search of Hot Chocolate-Chip Cookies

Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.

Fendi on my slippers & my cookies always slippery

I try a different cookie recipe every time I bake.

He who take cookie to bed have crummy night ahead.

The cookie maker needs someone to look out for him.

I love Karlie Kloss. I want to bake cookies with her!

"So you have your price."... "Your soul for a cookie."

In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.

Everyone just needs to stop fighting and have a cookie.

I looked at the canine companion. “Me cookies. You stay.

Warning: fortune cookies don't care what happens to you.

If you're craving oatmeal cookies, apple sauce won't do.

The big cheat meal will be a cookies and cream milkshake.

She smells better," Claire said. "And she made me cookies.

If there is no happy ending. Make one out of cookie dough.

You can't be a smart cookie if you have a crummy attitude.

I like to have cookies in the morning before I go swimming.

Cheesecake and cookies is something I can't stay away from.

And thats the way it was and thats the way the cookie crumbles

What about Santa's cookies? I suppose 'parents' eat those, too?

I will never get tired of making chocolate chip cookies. Never.

I'd rather take risks than make something that's cookie cutter.

I'm baking stories, and singing cookies, oh the tonderous wimes!

In some areas I am more noted for reading then I am for cookies!

After you eat Grandma's cookies, everything in life gets better.

I love chocolate in any form, be it cookies, cakes or milkshakes.

Some poeple just don't have what it takes to appreciate a cookie.

My cheat days are bread, bread, bread, and cookies. I love bread!

I have a major weakness for Oreo cookies and David Yurman jewelry.

I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.

I find it hilarious when Obama's hand gets caught in the cookie jar

Honey, a man can't keep his gun in a cookie jar. It just isn't done.

Every cookie is a sugar cookie. A cookie without sugar is a cracker.

Just because you're sober, don't think you're a good driver, Cookie.

Many who would not take the last cookie would take the last lifeboat.

I don't get sent anything strange like underwear. I get sent cookies.

Mmmmm. Warm chocolate chip cookies. Not even AB negative can compare.

I love watching keep-fit videos while munching chocolate chip cookies.

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