I love soft-cotton white T-shirts.

Let there be worse cotton and better men.

I quite enjoy a high-waisted cotton panty.

I have to have the cotton candy shipped in.

During summer, I only wear cotton and linen.

In essence, I'm a sophisticated cotton picker.

Cotton candy. Like eating a cloud of diabetes.

Hands that picked cotton can now pick the mayor.

A light cotton cami is always great to stay cool.

I had my schooling right there in the Cotton Club.

Everybody came. Everybody came to the Cotton Club.

I never thought my cotton gin would change history.

Picking a guitar was a lot easier than picking cotton.

My childhood home backed onto wheat and cotton fields.

He that has ears to hear, let him stuff them with cotton.

You can't beat the Cotton Bowl. There's nothing like that.

Half the world does not know the joys of wearing cotton underwear.

'High Cotton' is more conscious of class than 'Black Deutschland.'

Why should the cotton growers suffer if there is shortage of wheat?

I went to the top of the Cotton Bowl by myself, sat down and cried.

It's an honor to win the Sir Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year award.

When Anderson walks into a room, you can hear a rat pissing on cotton.

I like fresh, crisp, cool, plain white cotton sheets from Calvin Klein.

On my worst day I always tell myself I'm not in a field picking cotton.

I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton.

Manchester's history is cotton and wool. Birmingham's is iron and steel.

I'd have to pick cotton for a year to make what I'd make in a week in L.A.

Summertime And the livin' is easy, Fish are jumpin', and the cotton is high.

I pulled cotton at 6 years old and worked on the peanut farm and paper route.

Cotton candy is the most amazing form of caramelization ever invented by man.

On the plane, I dampen cotton pads with toner and put on lotion twice as much.

Some colored people so scared of whitefolks they claim to love the cotton gin.

It's hard, Cotton. To let yourself love something you know you may never have.

Cotton was a force of nature. There's a poetry to it, hoeing and growing cotton.

I am a huge fan of big cotton underpants; they're comfortable. I wear them every day.

Her bra was cotton and white and, bless its little frickin´ heart, had a front clasp.

Metro was really a star-builder, no doubt about that. You were wrapped in cotton wool.

Being the son of a handloom weaver, I have knowledge of cotton and some other material.

Genius is subject to the same laws which regulate the production of cotton and molasses.

I love pairing bright details with simple looks or casual materials like denim or cotton.

For me, it's difficult to even walk around in cotton sarees; imagine doing scenes in them!

It was so fun to see my hair all brushed out - it looked like caramel-flavored cotton candy!

I was never a chiffon and satin person. I am always a cotton person. It's just the way I am.

Just because you want to wear organic cotton doesn't mean you have to spend an arm and a leg.

Americans believe cotton is best, but we've invented new fabrics that will change your lifestyle.

I refuse to make money out of my science. My laurel is not for sale like so many bales of cotton.

We didn't have any segregation at the Cotton Club. No. The Cotton Club was wide open, it was free.

I didn't like the way a wet cotton T-shirt felt under my equipment. There had to be something better.

I was influenced a lot by those around me - there was a lot of singing that went on in the cotton fields.

Another method of eating burning coals employs small balls of burned cotton in a dish of burning alcohol.

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