I love designing dresses and tops.

I love designing, and I still do it.

I'm interested in designing for posterity.

Designing Woman was written for the screen.

Designing came to me. I didn't have to move.

I was always pretty good at designing things.

I'm into fashion and designing clothes and stuff.

I was probably born with some designing abilities.

I don't want to find myself designing for the press.

My love for interior designing has always been there.

I'm designing for women between the ages of 20 and 40.

Designing my shoes, I'm thinking timeless. Not trendy.

The economy made me focus on designing more must-haves.

I love designing at the moment, I'm so happy with my work.

My whole life had been designing computers I could never build.

Designing a collection with Aeropostale was completely surreal.

The stuff I'm designing, I want my action scenes to be intense.

I've always wanted to get involved with designing a video game.

When designing a kitchen, always keep in mind the social aspect.

Designing characters for 'Dragon Quest' is fun but difficult work.

Designing aircraft and racing cars is an extremely exciting thing.

I was much more interested in making things than in designing them.

I like to take my time when I'm designing and constructing outfits.

Designing was an effortless exercise and something I always enjoyed.

My sense of designing is a mix of intuition and intellectual control.

It's time architects start designing for our ears as well as our eyes.

I seem to always start a collection by designing outerwear and jackets.

I want to do television, film, music and designing. I want to do it all!

Designing and developing anything of consequence is incredibly challenging.

I'm a hardcore gamer and would never let you down by designing a crappy title.

And, of course, I'm constantly energized by designing courses around the world.

I didn't design schools for poor kids. I'm designing schools to be world-class.

When I'm designing, I'm thinking about what it would be like to wear that piece.

In designing a lifestyle brand, you have to know more than just designing clothes.

When I am designing, I keep in mind more the American woman than the French woman.

There are just huge benefits to come from designing for the ears in our health care.

Where health care has failed is in designing a cost containment mechanism that works.

I started designing the greenest the most connected home before the iPhone and the iPad.

I am always interested in designing things that have a great price point attached to it.

I have a background in graphic design and have been designing t-shirt graphics for years.

Your strongest life is built through a continuous practice of designing moment by moment.

In college, you're kind of designing who you want to be. And I wanted to be a big reader.

There are a million things I'd rather do before designing clothes: directing, landscaping.

I do like designing clothes that are - not exactly lofty but intellectual in their sexiness.

It's a constant challenge trying to find balance between styling, designing and being a mom.

I simply do the things that inspire me, be that snowboarding, designing clothing, or dancing.

I'm fascinated by furniture design and interiors, and I want to try designing all that stuff.

I always loved designing, but the context needs to be right, and have a positive perspective.

I would think twice about designing stuff for which there was no need and which didn't endure.

I am keenly aware that I benefit from a wonderful tradition in the UK of designing and making.

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